Page 35 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 35

Inspirational Women

        and excited by America."   position, she jumped at the   major hit. " While I was build-  "I focused on my career
           Karen was studying Mar-  opportunity.              ing my career in San Diego,   and put everything into my
        keting at night and helping    “I'd been there just over   my husband was getting in-  work. After some time I met
        to take care of three young   a year and was very happy, I   volved with drugs and having   an English man who was a
        children in the family's home   learned a lot, both radio and   an affair with a waitress. I was   musician, and eventually, we
        where she was staying. "It   TV, and knew I was going to   devastated, and our marriage   moved in together. I became
        was here that I met a young   stay in broadcasting.”  ended. We had not yet bought  pregnant, and we moved
        American man and, by the       It was at this point that   a house, nor had children, so   into a bigger apartment, and
        end of the year, it became   her fiance was offered a   it was a straightforward disso-  I had our son, but we never
        serious. When her year in   prestigious position as a Sous   lution - at least on paper!"  married, let's just say, he was a
        America was over, this young   Chef at Lowe's Coronado Bay   “I realized I was on my   free spirit."
        man followed her back to   Resort in San Diego. They   own and 6,000 miles from      So Karen worked on her
        England. He was an up and   packed up and relocated to   home, however, due to the   career and caring for her son,
        coming Chef in Washington   San Diego. On their drive   momentum in my career and   Finchley, "I tried to make the
        DC at one of the best restau-  from East Coast to West, they   the friends and contacts I had,  relationship with Finchley's
        rants in town, but there were   made several stops including   I made a very conscious de-  father work, but he was absent
        no restaurants of that caliber   Berkeley, where Damon’s   cision to stay in San Diego. I   evenings and weekends with
        where she lived in England,   family lived and Lake Tahoe,   landed a position with KFMB   his music, triathlon training,
        so he went back to DC to    where they were married.  TV and radio stations, which   soccer, and squash. Family
        continue his career. He wasn't                                                    life wasn't happening; except
        there long when he called                                                         for my son and I. By the time
        said he missed her and asked                                                      my son was eight years old, I
        Karen to marry him and to                                                         decided to separate from his
        move back to DC. She agreed,                                                      father."
        packed up some belongings                                                            Finchley was diagnosed
        and sold what was left.                                                           with a serious neurological
           Karen's first full-time job                                                    medical condition at age 7,
        in Washington DC was as an                                                        so on top of being a single
        Office Manager for a temp                                                         parent, Karen had to be there
        agency, four blocks from the                                                      for her son through several
        White House. It was a great                                                       hospitalizations and many
        job, but it was not fulfilling.                                                   doctors and therapists visits.
        "It was just a job, I wasn't very                                                 Karen's son is about to turn
        happy and decided I need-                                                         18, is doing great health-wise,
        ed to find something about                                                        is a straight-A student and is
        which I was passionate  At                                                        off to college this coming year.
        about this time, a friend asked                                                      Karen was delighted at
        if I would accompany her to    "Broadcasting was my   was one of the most beloved   the offer to return to KFMB
        an audition to be a volunteer   passion, and over the years   broadcasting companies, it   TV/Radio for a second tour,
        at our favorite radio station,   I would manage to work for   was family owned and oper-  this time as National Sales
        WKYS."                     just about every station group   ated and very well respected   Manager, and was there for
           It was a fun volunteer   in San Diego, big and small.   in the industry. I started there   seven years when she received
        job, with the opportunity   I worked for Clear Channel,   as an executive assistant to the  an offer she could not refuse
        to see concerts, go to movie   which is now iheart. I worked   General Manager.”  from Entercom radio, in 2015,
        premieres and station events.   for KPRI FM, KFMB AM/     Radio consolidation     which meant bigger respon-
        Karen went along for moral   FM/TV, Entercom and for   began, and my then boss at   sibilities, more stations, and a
        support. However, the people   then Mexican owned and   KFMB was let go. I left to join   two-year contract.
        at the radio station had other   operated XHRM FM. I held   a fast growing radio com-  "Not long after I joined
        ideas and recruited Karen, not  several different positions   pany named Capstar, which   Entercom, they merged with
        her friend.                at the stations, including   merged with Chancellor to   CBS, and my position was
           "Volunteering at the    Promotions Director, Local   become AM/ FM and then    eliminated. I realized a new
        radio station was brilliant,   Sales Executive, National and   within a year, we were all   career path might be in order,
        and I knew that I had found   Regional Sales Manager. I   Clear Channel employees.   as commercial TV and Radio
        my passion." When they     have never been afraid to get   There were six of us in a cor-  revenues continued to be in
        offered her a full-time job to   my hands dirty.      porate office responsible for   rapid decline and as consoli-
        work at WKYS, at the NBC       Though her professional   overseeing 40 radio stations   dation and layoffs continued.
        studios, at less money than   life was going well her per-  in the beginning and then it   I wondered what might be
        she was making at her current  sonal life was about to take a   grew to 256 stations.”  next; the bulk of my expe-

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