Page 39 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 39

Inspirational Women

        often coaching them through new job
        interviews, or working to help them             HOW TO BECOME A HUMAN
        improve their resume, so they would
        have a better chance of getting hired by         RESOURCE PROFESSIONAL
        another employer.                                          By Patricia Bustamante
           One factor that Patricia is keenly
        aware of is that in her position you
        need to become the example of how         As with most of my interview subjects, I asked Patricia for three tips
        you want the employees to behave.         for anyone wanting to become a Human Resources Specialist.
        “You are under a microscope, so if you    1.  Obtain an education in the field of Human Resources Manage-
        do things like gossip, the employees          ment
        will take your lead and do the same.
        You know you are constantly being         2.  Fully understand the company for which you choose to work.
        watched, so you need to be an example.        As I did with my first position in HR, I started at the bottom
        If I make a mistake, I am human, and I        and worked my way up.  This puts you in a great position as an
        own up to it, which is a good example         HR professional because it allows you to know the way every
        for your employees to follow.”                department works within your firm. Go to department team     Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
            What Patricia loves most about            meetings and absorb all you can. Shadow different employees in
        her job is getting to know the employ-        different department to fully understand the different roles and
        ees and learning how each is unique.          how each contributes to the whole This will make you better at
        “One of my strengths, when I go into          your job – in recruitment, in developing programs and processes,
        an organization, is that I spend a lot of     and in managing the needs of each department, each individual
        time getting to know the employees.           and the company as a whole
        It’s not just what they have going on at   3.  To truly understand HR and be successful you need to have a
        work, sometimes it is about what is go-       desire to help other people.  If you are all about your own suc-
        ing on at home.  So, if you get to know       cess, you won't be good at the job.  You have to care about the
        them, and they open up to you, it is          employees and work with them so they can do their job better
        easier to try and help when you know          and be successful.
        what is truly behind their problems at
        work. In the end, It’s all about truly car-
        ing about your employee.  When they
        realize that you care about them as a
        person, it builds trust, respect, and un-
        derstanding. Doing this allows me to
        be a successful HR partner long-term
        and allows me to successfully align
        the HR initiatives to the organization’s
        goals and objectives while maintaining
        a great place for the employees.”
           After spending time with Patricia,
        I can honestly say that my first impres-
        sion was definitely correct. Besides
        being a consummate professional in
        everything she does and an asset to any
        firm that chooses to hire her, she is a
        really nice person.
        For more information contact Patricia

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