Page 43 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 43

Inspirational Women

        fears. The closer you get to the  at her progress that he asked   if you set your mind to it, I   Erica’s positivity and
        top, fear creeps in where you   if he could become a client.”  believe you can do anything.”  determination in life are
        would never expect. Ego is    Erica finds that people    Another client who Erica   contagious, and during our
        involved more than ever.”  will turn to coaching because   coaches primarily on Leader-  interview, I felt lifted into a
            Often Erica’s job includes   they want something fixed   ship and communications, di-  place of positivity.
        a combination of hand-hold-  or they feel stuck.  “Clients   rectly related an increase of 10   It is easy to tell that Erica
        ing mixed with tough love   will say ‘here is what I want, I   million dollars to the changes   loves what she does and has
        throughout the process. “I   know what I should be doing   her team was making.   plans shortly to write a book
        have to tell them the truth,   but I’m not doing it, now   “I had spent the first 20   and will be teaming up with
        the truth of who they are ca-  fix me.” The most common   years of my life all about me,   her Dad to provide events
        pable of becoming and what   question Erica gets is “why   living it to the fullest, being   and products in which she
        fears are holding them back.   am I not doing what I know I   fearless, adventure seek-  can share her knowledge,
        It can be very hard at times”.  should be doing.” In order for   ing. For the next 20 years, I   inspire, empower, and reach
           “What generally brings   Erica to take on new clients,   implemented everything into   more people.
        clients to me is that they   she has to know that they   creating my own success and   For the time being,
        believe they have a problem   must be coachable. “They   learning everything I could   tune into Erica’s podcast
        that is keeping them from   must be open to the process,   by surrounding myself with   “Real Raw Truth,” where she
        living their best life, and they   to doing the work, to hear-  experts. Now, I feel it is time   tackles the type of problems
        need help working their way   ing the truth and be ok with   to give back. To share, to give,   and issues she views every
        through it. People come in   being uncomfortable.  One   to contribute. I believe that’s   day with clients.  Look for
        and think it will be a year   client I’ve had was trying   the evolution of life. If I don’t   “Real Raw Truth” on iTunes
        before they solve their prob-  many different healing meth-  give back, how selfish of me.   or her website
        lems, whether it is in their   ods and had been on many   What was it all for? ”
        business or their relationship.    medications.  As we started
        Often within the first 3-4 ses-  talking, I realized she was
        sions we can identify what’s   ready for coaching.  She was
        really holding them back and   willing to do the work.  Pain
        will quickly have a plan in   is often involved because you
        place for them. Most people   sometimes have to be able to
        want answers right away, but   break down before you break
        it is a process.  Sometimes the   through. She had lost her
        biggest obstacle they face is   son in a custody battle and
        lack of patience.”         wanted a career in music, but
           We spoke of a few of her   wasn’t finding one. I worked
        clients, no names of course.  “I   with her for two years. In the
        had one client who came be-  first 4-6 months, she gained
        cause her husband moved out  a different awareness.  She
        and she had children at home.   realized that she had a vic-
        Her reason for considering   tim’s mentality and the way
        coaching was to gain clarity   she perceived things were
        and decide if she wanted to   part of the problem. When
        stay in the relationship, and   she recognized this, she       SEYTÚ is part of my beauty...
        also to start her own business.    started to heal. She became   My family extends to Omnilife~Vitamins and Supplements and to
                                                                       SEYTÚ Cosmetics. SEYTÚ Cosmetics are created with fine
        She realized that she couldn’t   an athletic instructor, started   natural herbs and are at least 90% organic.
        change the other person    modeling, and began a new           I am a grateful Independent Distributor for Omnilife International
        and that she could only work   relationship with her son.      with 10+yrs. experience.
                                                                       To place an order and have the privilege to be part of my beauty
        on making herself the best   She also accomplished one of      extended family, please text me, Maggie @ (760)-695-2525
        person she could be. Her   her lifelong goals; she pub-
        confidence increased almost   lished her first song. I don’t
        immediately and starting her   only help my clients through
        own business became clear   tough times; my clients often
        for her. After three sessions   inspire me with the inroads
        her husband called and said.   they make. If you as a client
        ‘What are you doing with her.    are not willing to do the work
        She has completely turned   I can’t help you. I truly believe
        around.’  He was so surprised   everything is possible and

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