Page 47 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 47

Fabulous Finds



        can be playing while the other can be   dream of owning this business became   ny®, will custom make items and even
        sleeping, and you can rest assured both   a reality.  Today Ryan Novak has turned   provide favors for your wedding or
        children will be safe and happy. This   this small chocolate shop into a national   special occasion.
        product is a lifesaver to the parents of   brand.  After trying their products, it is   All I can say is thank you, Ryan, for
        twins who no longer have to carry two   not hard to understand why.      making chocolate lover’s dreams come
        pack and plays or bassinets with them   Currently, Chocolate Pizza® is so in   true.
        when they travel.                   demand that it has been ordered by   To order go to https://www.choco-
           Our Moms gave it a whirl and were   Chocolate Lovers on six continents.  Their
        thrilled with it.  They used it during a   Chocolate Pizza®, their signature item,
        staff meeting when two of our staff were  has so many varieties it is a challenge to   6.  Swell Coffee
        invited to bring in their children to our   pick which one you want.  The chocolate   At San Diego Woman Magazine, we
        weekly meeting.  With a two-year-old   is decadent, rich milk chocolate or dark   enjoy nothing more than to review local
        and an eleven-month-old occupying the   chocolate with homemade English toffee   companies that love being in San Diego.
        Romp and Roost, we were actually able   from a recipe dating back to 1919, ground  This definitely describes Swell Coffee.
        to get through a meeting undisturbed.   and mixed in..  The mixture is then poured  Swell was founded by John Vallas in
           I watched amazed at how well it   into real pizza pans, topped by hand with   2011.  Vallas is passionate about creat-
        worked.  The infant was enthralled with   your choice of toppings, and served in a   ing a coffee that is roasted to its most
        what the two-year-old was up to and   custom pizza box.  Let me tell you, this   flavorful moment. Their coffee is roasted
        just sat watching quietly and happily,   item will make you forget that calorie   fresh, bagged, and shipped that same
        and when the toddler got wind of her   counting, trust me it is worth it.    day to arrive fresh for your enjoyment.
        attentive admirer, she did even more   To my surprise, they also provided   The result is amazing specialty roasted
        to entertain her audience.  All I can say,   me with a sample of their Peanut Butter   coffees which are unique in flavor and
        and the moms agreed, what a great   Wings®  If your mouth is not watering   quality. Once you try Swell, you will
        invention!  Go to http://www.rompan-  now, just wait until you hear about this   never want to have another brand of for more information, to   creation.  Imagine crisp, rippled potato   coffee.  The topper is that you don’t have
        purchase it directly, or to find stores   chips covered in creamy peanut butter   to stand on long lines to get your favor-
        near you where you can pick up a    and drenched in your choice of rich milk   ite cup of coffee anymore.  It will come
        romp and roost of your own.         or dark chocolate. The salty-sweet com-  to your door, so you can get out of bed
                                            bination in every bite is a taste master-  and have that taste you crave without
        5.  The Chocolate Pizza Company     piece so distinctive it has been granted   getting out of your pjs.
           It started as a dream of a 15-year-old   a federal trademark. Their Peanut Butter   Swell is a San Diego specialty coffee
        who was mopping floors in a small town   Wings® are to die for as is every product   roaster that believes in the value of
        chocolate shop. He knew that one day   they create.                      single origin. They search the globe to
        he would own this shop and build it into   Besides making these amazing taste   find the most amazing coffees that they
        a national brand. At the age of 21, the   sensations The Chocolate Pizza Compa-  can responsibly source. Swell was born

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