Page 52 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 52

He Said                                                                                 She Said

                              Robert                                          Judith A.
                              Tussey                                            Habert

           Change is difficult, seemingly impossible. From   I am truly an advocate of equal rights between the sexes.  I am not in favor of litigious
        racial bias to gender bias to age bias, across the board   individuals looking for a way to make a buck, while they attempt to make you believe they
        society has a mandate for change that is rarely met   are doing it for the good of our country.  For decades women have suffered the lower pay
        with open arms. Whether we like it or not people don’t   for doing the same job, and to date, in 2018 they are still being penalized for not having a
        enjoy altering their perceptions and beliefs. It takes   penis.
        generations for real change despite legislation and   Now some greedy men are saying, wait being at the head of the herd for centuries just
        good intentions.  That said, altering ‘societal norms’ is   isn’t enough.  We need to crash an innocent “Girls Night Out,” to make a point. But, what
        necessary for the progression and growth in a forward-  point are they making?  That their life would not be complete if they don’t ruin an event for
        thinking world.  Join the crowd or sit on the sidelines,   women.  One where women can let down their hair and not care about their makeup being
        either way, it’s going to happen.            perfect or wearing that dreaded pair of spanks. Do men not realize how much work most
           Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about discrimination   women put into looking perfect around men.  Do men not realize that many of the hoops
        against men. Articles and blogs and vlogs all speaking   we jump through are for them to think positively about us?  Once in a while, a woman or
        about men being marginalized and many men taking   women’s group will give other women a break.  Hey, let’s enjoy a night out when all we think
        umbrage at the fact we are being pushed into the corner   about is having fun, not how we look or what the men in the room will be saying about us.
        of the conversation on equality. One man is suing a   There are still so many areas in which women are not allowed to participate.  Read
        women’s group [Here in San Diego] for not including   the cover story, and maybe it will hit home that in 149 years there has never been a female
        men in one of their events – a girl’s night out dancing.   major league baseball player.  How many women are down at Petco Park with picket signs
        For generations, women have wanted to join men-only   and filing lawsuits?
        clubs, gyms, organizations, Boy Scouts (Boy Scouts will   No one denies the fact that business has been a bastion of male society for years.  So
        now be called Scouts as the young ladies join the ranks),   why do men have a problem when women organize and attend seminars and other
        the military, corporate boardrooms and such, and it has   functions to help them gain knowledge of the business world.  It was noted in the 70’s
        taken its toll on the larger issue of gender equality. And,   that lower-income youths needed some help in being able to attend college, so they could
        men are fighting back with the same argument.  Why   compete with those who were better off economically. These wealthier students most likely
        not?                                         received a better education during grades k-12.  I don’t recall stories about well-off high
           On the one hand, if women want equality on all   schoolers objecting or suing those who were given opportunities to better themselves and
        issues, then we have to extend men the same courtesy   their station in life? No, they welcomed the new competition and believed, in the long run, it
        (look, I know that for years men ran the world – I don’t   would be better for our country. Why can’t men feel the same way about these women-only
        disagree with that point). Some women are arguing for   networking events, unless they are afraid of having to compete with women?  Maybe the
        this lawsuit. On the other hand – why?  Some say the   fact that more women are opening businesses today than men does give them a reason to
        natural flow of this change will include men. I don’t see   fear allowing women to get up to speed in the business arena.
        it that way. I have watched, for decades, this battle for   I guess we will have to start banning man caves too pretty soon, and maybe all dressing
        what’s right against what’s wrong. From the feminism of   rooms at spas or gyms now have to be open to both men and women since wouldn’t we be
        the sixties to the neo-feminism of today, the battle call   discriminating calling an area the Women’s Locker Room and not allowing men to enter?
        is the same, me first. I have always been on the side of   Restrooms would have to come under fire as well.  No more men’s or women’s restroom since
        equal pay and equal treatment. My ten years of articles   that is discriminating telling a man he can’t go in a women’s restroom.  Do we realize how
        in this magazine support that. But I am also seeing the   out of control this concept can become?
        trend of marginalization of men as a means to achieve   If men have chambers of commerce with men’s groups and women have networking
        equality for women. Men, for centuries, have had it   events that are women focused, why is there such an issue? I truly would understand and
        their way. But, not all men were the bad guys. It truly   agree if a service was only available to women and not men, but there are many men’s
        is time for an aggressive change for women. But do not   organizations out there that provide the same service as women’s groups. So what makes it
        leave the good and true men out of the equation.  I have   so necessary for these men to join in on the women organized and run events.
        said many times over the years that a partner in change   At San Diego Woman Magazine, we have male writers and contributors, we provide
        is far more effective than leaving your advocates at the   topics that may be of interest to both men and women, and as you are reading, we run a
        altar.                                       He Said/She Said column allowing both the male and female opinion to be voiced. Should
           If total equality is the goal then shouldn’t we   we be forced to change the name of our publication to appease a group of men who find
        leave the seats up and the doors unopened? You get   it distasteful? At San Diego Women all men are welcome to attend any of our events or
        the picture. If we can agree that we are all in this   functions, but rarely are they busting down the doors to attend.  Why is this? Because I do
        together, then we better make this work for all. Our   believe both genders need time to bond with their own gender.  Not everything has to be a
        world is moving faster than at any time in history,   group activity.
        and we all need to be on the right track making the   The Girls Night Out event was not the only recent lawsuit.  It seems a local law firm has
        necessary changes to build a foundation of equality and   been specializing in these sort of cases, with positive outcomes.  I do understand the need to
        equanimity.   Anything less will drag us all down in an   speak up when you feel you are being discriminated against, but how about suing for $1 if
        age where too few have too much power.       you are only doing so to prove a point or champion a cause?

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