Page 49 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 49

Fabulous Finds



        dog inside a studio-sized apartment   around. Within about two months, she   11. PodPockets
        while two people work full-time jobs   completely transitioned to the outdoor   If you are the lucky owners of one of
        leaves the inevitable to occur. Bathroom   patches, and these grass squares being   the most popular Apple products, the Ap-
        messes were a problem we faced early   so fresh, we’ve been able to keep them   ple AirPods you will be relieved to know
        on. We invested in jumbo-sized pee pads   for longer than I even thought.   that you can protect your investment.
        that left our room smelling like a public   For anyone looking to give their pet   The PodPocket Airpods Case has won
        park. Our fur child also had a propensity   the joy of the outdoors, I fully recom-  rave reviews from users and sellers alike. It
        to find them very entertaining and tore   mend FRESH PATCH               is the most reviewed case on Amazon.
        up as many as we put down.          Order some and make your Pet happy.     The PodPockets  AirPods Case is
           After so many frustrations with   Go to   molded from high-grade silicone making
        training our adorable bulldog, we                                        sure that your AirPods have a secure fit
        searched for a solution. Insert here our   10. DONA BELA SHREDS          and won’t slip out of the case.  It comes
        knight in shining armor, FRESH PATCH.   They say that everything has already   with a premium key ring and clasp
        FRESH PATCH is a revolutionary service   been done, then there are DONA BELA   so that it can be attached to a bag or
        that sends large cuts of grass in a sturdy   SHREDS. DONA BELA SHREDS is a fash-  keychain.  Don’t take a chance that your
        cardboard box straight to your door on   ion accessory line that upcycles textile   AirPods may be stolen if you turn your
        a weekly or monthly basis. These grass   remnants & designs them into unique,   back for a moment.  By having them
        patches are fresh, lush, and green. For   one-of-a-kind creations.       attached to your bag or keyring, you can
        someone like me who faces not only     DONA BELA SHREDS are created      be certain that they are safe and within
        time challenges with giving walks to my   for the fashion-forward, eco-conscious   reach at all times.
        pup, but also the outdoor space to do   woman.  The creators have found a way   The easy access along the bottom al-
        so, FRESH PATCH was a godsend. Miss   to use fabric scraps that often ended   lows you to charge your AirPods without
        Mocha took to the patches, so naturally,   up in landfills to create beautiful neck,   having to remove them from the case,
        it was as though she trained herself.   wrist, and headwear.  They are unique   and the safety it provides.  This keeps
        We placed the patch on our balcony,   looking and will definitely have heads   them secure at all times. This company is
        and at first, she would sniff it, walk over   turning. The color palettes used are bold   so sure that you will be thrilled with this
        it, and come back in. Then, we started   and eye-catching.  There are a variety   product that they provide a 100% Money
        using training techniques to show her   of styles, and each piece is a one of a   Back Guarantee.
        this was her new bathroom. By the time   kind creation. Not only are DONA BELA   At San Diego Woman our editors who
        another patch found its way to our door,   SHREDS changing the way we look at   own the Apple AirPods and tested the
        Miss Mocha was loving having her own   neckwear, but they are a company that   PodPocket agreed with the rave reviews.
        personal potty right outside. She was ac-  shows their charitable side donating $1   They loved them and wouldn’t give them
        tually waking me up in the middle of the   from every piece of neckwear sold.    up for anything.  Visit https://podpock-
        night to go on our balcony rather than   To order your own Dona Bela Shreds go to order your PodPocket
        use a pee pad we apprehensively kept   to  today!

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