Page 48 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 48

Fabulous Finds




        from a passion to live life to its fullest   with the exact way you like your coffee,   your pets to using it on yourself in the
        - friends, family, surf, good health, and   regular or bold.             shower?
        great coffee. They continuously explore   This coffee maker even allows you   BUMP IT OFF is a reusable silicone
        the globe to discover new flavors while   multiple programming, so you can set it   sleeve that fits on your hand in multiple
        keeping their feet in the sand in sunny   for one leisurely time on weekends and   positions, enabling you to concentrate
        San Diego, California.              another when you have to rush out the   scrubbing power in the palm of your
           Swell is a coffee subscription service   door to get to work.         hand or on your fingertips.
        which guarantees you will never find   This brand new coffee maker, just   Since BUMP IT OFF is made from
        yourself without great coffee on hand.    launched in April of this year also has a   100% silicone it is non-toxic and dish-
        The subscription can be adjusted to meet  14 cup capacity which means you won’t   washer friendly if placed on the top rack
        your individual coffee drinking needs and  have to be running back and forth to the   of your dishwasher.
        preferences. As Swell Coffee notes, “Run-  coffee maker to stick in another pod.  At   Unlike your traditional sponge BUMP
        ning out of Coffee is never Swell.” To find   San Diego Woman Magazine, we were   IT OFF is antibacterial and will not ab-
        out more, and start experiencing this   all thrilled with it at our weekly staff   sorb odors, so it will always be clean and
        outstanding product in your own home,   meeting when there was no waiting   ready for the next task at hand.
        go to:  around to make your own individual cup   With so many varied uses pick up
                                            of coffee.                           one for each room of the house.
        7.  KRUPS Savoy 2 XL Thermobrew        So, when you get right down to it   Go to http://www.goddessofgadgets.
           Coffee Maker                     what does all of this technical coffee   com/
           In recent years Coffee has become   jargon mean?  A delicious, flavorful cup
        a new art form and no one has done it   of coffee possible in your own home   9.  Fresh Patch
        better than KRUPS with the release of   without waiting on lines for your morn-  It’s been about six months since I
        their latest the KRUPS Savoy 2XL Ther-  ing brew.                        adopted my adorable French Bulldog,
        mobrew Coffee Maker.                Visit  to   Miss Mocha. She has brought an in-
           All coffee enthusiast know that the   order a KRUPS online or to locate a   sane amount of joy into the lives of my
        brewing temperature plays a huge part   store near you that carries this amaz-  boyfriend and me. Along with that joy,
        in the final flavor of the coffee, KRUPS   ing machine.                  however, is a new normal. This normal
        uses a Thermobrew technology that                                        includes bringing her everywhere (due
        maintains temperature for optimal   8.  BUMP IT OFF                      to some unexpected anxiety issues) and
        extraction.                            Leave it to a single mom of two,   puppy-proofing everything Miss Mo-
           In addition, the oversized shower-  otherwise known as the Goddess of   cha would come in contact with in her
        head evenly wets grounds for a smooth   Gadgets, to come up with this unique   environment.
        even brew while the Flavormix Tube   and versatile product.  Who would     Puppies bring along with them a
        retains heat and balance of the coffee   have thought that one item could be   certain ability to make everything smell
        flavor which can be adjusted to coincide   used for everything from brushing   like… well… puppy. Keeping a growing

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