Page 50 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 50

Fabulous Finds



        12. Ohbases                         cream to help protect her delicate skin   three young founders chose the name to
           The home page of their website says   against dryness and chapping.   honor the countries where their parents
        it best,”OhBases makes effective, unpre-  Let’s not forget mommy or grandma.    were born. Their family traveled often,
        tentious products for the betterment of   I particularly liked their product Bee My   and the girls decided that needed to
        Mom & Baby.”                        Magic Pot, which transform your skin to   introduce others to the hidden treasures
           But there is more to Ohbases than   a younger naturally healthy and radiant   of little-known places around the globe.
        just that.  Their products are wonderful,   glow! OhBases blends raw honey, bee   They even managed to take it a step
        and you know when you use them that   pollen, royal jelly, and propolis to make   further and donate a portion of the pro-
        all of the ingredients are safe, not only   an amazing nourishing moisturizer that   ceeds to orphanages in Ecuador.
        for you but for your most precious car-  can minimize fine lines and wrinkles...   These beautiful blankets are versa-
        go…your baby.                       and who doesn’t want to ward off those   tile and can be packed in a travel bag
           As a new Grandma, I was happy to be   wrinkles.                       or in your car to be used for all your
        able to sample products from such a fine   These are just two of there great   travel needs. Made of a high-quality
        company that truly cares about their cus-  products.  So far I have not found one   blend of alpaca and synthetic materials,
        tomers. Ohbases search for ingredients   that I did not like. Oh and let’s not forget   Ecuadane’s blankets are lightweight,
        from plants which have been farmed   the thoughtful applicator that comes   breathable and durable and perfect for
        organically and are of the highest quali-  with these items, no messy hands or   indoor or outdoor use. They’re also ma-
        ty.  These ingredients are chosen for their  nails after using it. Try some for yourself   chine washable and don’t itch!
        therapeutic value and practical everyday   and your little one.  You will be thrilled   The blankets are made in Otavalo,
        application.                        with the results.                    Ecuador by a family who has been doing
           OhBases Little Face Cream is a prod-  Get some for yourself at  https://www.  so for generations.  The art and design of
        uct I love and felt confident massaging                   which will continue to be passed on for
        a little on my granddaughter’s precious                                  generations to come.  Own one of these
        little face.  It is a gentle, all-natural mois-  13. Ecuadane            artisan creations and know that it will
        turizer made with all-natural ingredients   This is probably one of the most   start a conversation with anyone who
        that keeps your baby's facial skin soft   beautiful blankets you will ever own.    sees it, for its unique look and feel.
        and smooth. Is there anything more soft   Calling it a blanket does a disservice to   Support Ecuadane in their quest to
        than a newborn babies skin.  This prod-  the product, it is actually a work of art.    share the beauty of the world with as
        uct helps to keep it that way.  It is made   Ecuadane’s unique hand-woven blankets   many people as they can, and by doing
        with soothing Calendula and flower   are crafted by artisans in Ecuador and   so, they will help preserve these cultures
        extracts, OhBases Little Face Cream only   procured by three sisters who set out on   one blanket at a time.
        has natural ingredients to enrich and   a journey to share their culture with the   To order your Ecuadane Artisan
        care for the skin on your baby’s face. I   world.  The name Ecuadane is a combi-  Blanket go to https://www.ecuadane.
        could see a difference when using this   nation of Ecuador and Denmark.  The   com/.

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