Page 45 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 45

Fabulous Finds



        1.  BUBS Naturals                      “Bubs talked about proper nutrition   here at SDWM, we love the fact that we
        CHANGE YOUR DIET, CHANGE YOUR LIFE  as the best compliment to hard work.   can put it in LITERALLY anything. From
           In Southern California, fitness is a way  We had mason jars of pre-workout   coffee, to orange juice, to acai bowls,
        of life. When you go to grab a latte, you   powders, various proteins, post-workout   putting this collagen protein in your day
        have the option of customizing it to be   supplements, hydration powder, and of   is easier than you think. It’s all natural
        sugar-free, dairy-free, or organic. When   course...metamucil®...because as he’d say   ingredients and 18g of protein per
        you go out to eat, you can get your   ‘you just can’t get enough fiber.’ To say   serving, paired with Hydrolyzed, Grass
        burger made “protein style,” devoid of   the BUBS brand is inspired by him is only   Fed & Pasture Raised Peptides, make this
        that pesky carbohydrate-filled bun, or go  part of the story. This is a tribute to Bubs   protein in a class of its own.
        for a “skinny” entrée; a calorie-reduced   and a way of life. It is a life of constant   Visit to shop
        amalgamation of what was your meal.   evolution and self-improvement where   now!
        These changes in your diet are definitely   you work hard and play harder.”
        a great decision, but it is consistency   BUBS Natural Collagen Protein is the   2.  HSI Groove Master Kit
        in any nutritional plan that makes for   miraculous result of honoring Bubs and   I have read countless advertisements
        lifelong results.                   our bodies. As described on the compa-  for hair products which claim that they
           BUBS Naturals is a supplement com-  ny’s website,;   will do away for your need for a trip to
        pany dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. It   “Collagen is the most abundant   the Salon.  Well in the case of HSI Groove
        began as a way to pay tribute to busi-  protein in the human body. But naturally,  Master Kit, it is the honest truth.  Well,
        ness owner Sean Lake’s Navy SEAL friend,  with age, the body’s production of col-  unless you want a haircut. For that you
        Glen “Bubs” Doherty. “Bubs,” a local Enci-  lagen slows down. Collagen’s essential   still will need the Salon, but for getting
        nitas resident, was named the Union-Tri-  benefit is promoting health and healing   that perfect hairstyle for any special
        bune “Person of the Year” for his bravery   from the inside out. Scientifically speak-  occasion, or just that special night out,
        in the Benghazi, Libya terror attacks.   ing, the amino acid glycine found in   who needs a professional?
        As a way to honor Doherty’s memory,   collagen supports metabolic functions.   There are so many good points to
        Sean started the Glen Doherty Memorial   The proteins and amino acids in BUBS’   this new product that I don’t know
        Foundation alongside Doherty’s fam-  collagen help strengthen skin, promote   where to begin.  First of all, you can
        ily. This foundation has the mission of   increased elasticity, and benefit smooth-  create whatever type of curls you desire
        helping Special Ops soldiers transition to   ness while supporting healthy hair and   with a simple click to change the curling
        civilian life through educational schol-  nails. Studies show that collagen is   barrel.  You can go from corkscrew curls
        arships and recreational opportunities.   critical to the support and reconstruction  to loose beachy waves in minutes.  You
        10% off all sales are going DIRECTLY to   of joints (cartilage / synovial fluids) and is  are no longer limited by the one barrel
        this organization.                  indispensable if used as a recovery tool   at the end of your curling iron because
           Doherty lived a life dedicated to this   in regenerating muscles after exercise.”  HSI Groove Master has ten interchange-
        country and health and wellness, so it is   This keto-friendly, NON-GMO, USA   able barrels in just one curling iron.
        no surprise that this company has those   produced protein powder is our favor-  In a hurry?  The HSI Groove Master Kit
        aspects as its cornerstones.        ite new supplement. It’s unflavored, so   heats up in just 60 seconds.  That’s not

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