Page 41 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 41

Inspirational Women

           That company became the   tion setting out to reprogram   ness growth for the long haul."  outcome.  Instead, it led me
        proving ground for how to do    her brain. "When I first found   Her specialty is trailblazing   to where I am today; with the
        business better.  Once again   these amazing doctors, and   with growth-minded business-  knowledge of HOW the brain
        trailblazing, Debbra refused   they told me of their treatment   es and entrepreneurs.  Taking   learns.  I’m bringing that into
        to let the business stagnate as   I was so relieved and happy to   what she's lived through in   business to make a profitable
        most do after a while by seek-  finally have an answer.  What I   business, infused with first-  impact for those who want to
        ing help from ‘experts.'  Only,   wasn't happy about is they told  hand experience about how   learn.”
        what they gave her was not   me the treatment would take   the brain learns, she helps you   Today Debbra is a N.Y.
        helpful. She leveraged her nat-  a year.  They had to reprogram   leverage the power of your   Times Best Selling Author,
        ural aptitude towards market-  my brain, taking me back to   thinking so you can short track   Speaker, Trainer and a Severe
        ing, promotion, sales, years of   day zero of infancy and moving  your efforts & time it takes to   Traumatic Brain Injury survivor.
        hands-on experience manag-  up to present day."  Not know-  attract, convert & retain more   She’s a multiprenuer, mom,
        ing, and dug deep into learning   ing at the time how severe her   clients.       wife and loves the outdoor life
        how to effectively market. What                                                   San Diego offers.  Through her
        she learned she applied daily in                                                  journey, she has been working
        their company. The result: she                                                    to improve herself and busi-
        helped scale up and later creat-                                                  nesses every single day. She
        ed the exit strategy to sell that                                                 continues to lead the pack by
        first company after successfully                                                  living what she teaches.
        running it for 14 years.                                                             This is a woman with a pen-
           Ever entrepreneurial, she                                                      chant for business. Her vision is
        took what she did privately and                                                   big, but she authentically cares
        made it public. "In 2002, l took                                                  for those who are the back-
        my knowledge of marketing                                                         bone of our country. “Women
        and passion for helping others                                                    are currently the largest grow-
        and started ‘Sweet Marketing                                                      ing demographic for business
        Solutions.' I've led this com-                                                    ownership.  I have always
        pany by honing our talent for                                                     believed, and have voiced that
        strategic thinking, marketing   TBI was, it didn't take one year   “By innovating Entrepre-  the concept of my training will
        plan writing, development, and  to accomplish this goal, it took   neurial Education that is easy   allow women to bust the myth
        implementation.  This year I'm   five years.          for you to learn, apply and do,   of the six-figure mindset and
        pivoting the company again,   Through all of her health   I’m trailblazing a mission to   step into the seven-figure life-
        and we're still running strong."  issues, Debbra kept working at   build better education to build   style. Six figures is great, but it
           She says every business has   her business concepts.  Know-  better entrepreneurs to build   still creates too many challeng-
        influencers of results.  In 2012   ing she was on to something,   better businesses for the long   es personally and profession-
        another health detour showed   in spite of her physicals, she   haul.  We need to change how   ally.  My upcoming business
        up. Debbra calls this round 3.  “I   couldn't wait to share her ap-  business is done.  It’s doable.   leadership conference, “Dare To
        lost all function and mobility,   proach to better train, educate   I’m doing it.  I refuse to accept   Be D.I.N.O!” delivers powerful,
        again.  Up to this point, my   and support companies who   the grim statistics that are cited   practical and transformational
        doctors had still not figured   are out there struggling with   for entrepreneurs. There are   insights that you can apply
        out what the cause was of   overwork and overwhelm, lack   gaps in business knowledge   right away to Raise the Bar in
        these episodes. This put a big   work-life balance and have   that make businesses close   Body, Mind & Business. For
        damper on the timing of plans   stagnation of growth from    down too fast or not grow.    those who register to attend,
        I had to build my business even  ‘status quo’ concepts.    Those gaps can be avoided.”  we’re going to start your train-
        further. Throughout my career   "I have so much to give   Today Debbra walks her   ing even before the event.”
        I have always been an innova-  to entrepreneurs. I believe   clients through the process   When you are ready to
        tive thinker and ahead of the   businesses deserve to stay in   every step of the way.  She has   move forward with innovating
        pack.  This has led me to where   business and make money-   online courses,  seminars, and   your business to achieve the
        I am today. I did the same with   but the traditional ‘how' of   weekend business retreats.    time and money freedom you
        my health.”                achieving this isn't working. I   She has one to one key man   desire, visit her site at www.
           After much research, varied   had been extremely frustrated   Goal Achievement Sessions and be
        approaches and not settling   seeing businesses get stuck,   with clients that create break-  sure to attend her Dare To
        for status quo, Debbra finally   get off track, and not grow as   through outcomes for issues   Be D.I.N.O!  Business Leader-
        found the answer to her recur-  they should… all due to a lack   that arise in their businesses.   ship Conference which runs
        ring episodes of loss of mobili-  of specialized knowledge that   Surprisingly when asked   October 19-21, 2018 at the
        ty and bodily function.  Debbra   quickly bridges the gaps in   about the horrors of her med-  Springhill Suites by Marriott in
        had sustained a Severe Trau-  growth. So, I innovated again.   ical incidents, Debbra amazed   Oceanside CA. (www.daretobe-
        matic Brain Injury when she hit   During my rehab, I launched   me with the following, “The
        that brick wall decades before.    ‘Thrive Right Consulting.'   This   accident saved my life.  Literal-
        It took a new type of doctor to   business helps you confidently   ly.  It took me away from a path   For more information contact
        help with her rehabilitation.    master the stages of entrepre-  I was walking on which would   Debbra Sweet “The Trailblazing
        This was extensive rehabilita-  neurship and navigate busi-  not have ended up with a good   Entrepreneur”  760-542-8817

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