Page 38 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 38

Inspirational Women

                                                Patricia Bustamante

                                                A NEW APPROACH TO HUMAN


                                                                     By Judith A. Habert

                                            In her past work experience, she real-  independently as an HR Consultant
                                            ized that most people at the companies   helping companies successfully set
                                            where she worked didn’t particular-  up and maintain Human Resources
                                            ly like the members of the Human     departments in their organizations.
                                            Resources department of their firms.    Born in the Philippines, Patri-
                                            They feared them and rarely went to   cia’s family relocated to Hawaii when
                                            them when a problem existed. Patricia   Patricia was 9.  An outdoor enthusiast,
                                            was not the type of person, and if she   she was in her element. She attend-
                                            took the job heading the Human Re-   ed the University of Hawaii, during
                                            sources Department, she did not want   which time she did a test to determine
                                            to be viewed as an obstacle among the   what her future career should be.  The
                                            other employees.  “In no uncertain   top three professions were Human
                                            terms I told the CEO that I would be   Resources, Medicine, or Law. She
                                            thrilled to take the job, but under one   remained in Hawaii through college,
                                            condition.  I told him that I needed to   but after graduating, she felt the need
                                            put ‘me’ into the position.  I needed   to explore and ended up in Newport
                                            to be there for the employees, to help   Beach and eventually San Diego.  Her
              HEN YOU MEET SOMEONE          them in any way I could.  They needed   move to California allowed her to
        Wfor the first time, it is often com-  to look at me as an ally and a partner.    build her skills in operations but soon
        mon to form first impressions about   I would create a friendly, people-cen-  discovered her passion in the Human
        them which may not always be accu-  tric and nurturing Human Resources   Resources field when you joined a
        rate.  With Patricia Bustamante, my   department, where staff would be   start-up tech company.
        impression was right on target.  Patri-  eager to share any concerns and allow   She has now spent thirteen years as
        cia is a consummate professional.  She   me to be part of solving their problems   a Human Resources Specialist, defi-
        exudes confidence and experience, but   and be part of their success.” The CEO   nitely proving that college career test
        more importantly, she is an extremely   agreed, and Patricia began her career   correct. “It’s been a wonderful ride, 13
        nice person.                        as a Human Resources professional.  “I   years in HR. For the last two years, Pa-
           This last fact is undoubtedly how   am so glad he gave me that opportu-  tricia has been an outside consultant.
        she ended up as an atypical Human   nity to discover my passion.  If I can’t   “I’ve spent most of this time helping
        Resources professional. “I started   help people by what I am doing, I am   startups create fully functional HR
        working for a startup Tech company,   not happy.”                        departments.”
        and before too long the CEO informed    The job went so well for Patricia   I had to ask if there was a part of
        me of an upcoming divestiture and the   that when the CEO left for a position at  her business she disliked.   Immedi-
        company would be needing its own    another firm six years later, he invited   ately my mind went to how difficult
        Human Resources Department. He      her to come along and she did.  “I love   it must be to fire someone from their
        asked me if I would be willing to create  what I do particularly my opportuni-  position.
        and run this new department.”  Patricia  ties to interact with people. Setting up   Although, Patricia admits it is
        was honored that the CEO chose to put  an HR department from the ground up  hard to do she has always maintained
        so much trust in her, but at the same   was a great learning experience.”  This   relationships with those whom she
        time, she felt she was facing a dilemma.   experience allows Patricia to now work  had to release from employment,

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