Page 36 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 36

Inspirational Women

        rience was in broadcasting,   be said on the air and only   through their trusts, or make   you are dedicated, passionate
        with some volunteerism and a  run a few sponsor announce-  generous donations through-  and work hard, anything is
        little non-profit work history   ments per hour, to provide   out their lifetimes.  possible. Thanks to this com-
        too. With a son in high school  viewers and listeners with the   Karen has come a long   munity, to the staff who are
        and no husband nor family   best possible programming   way, literally and figurative-  working hard at KPBS, and
        to help financially, I found   experience.            ly, from her childhood and   to Karen, for bringing us the
        myself in a bit of a pickle!"  The spots are tasteful,   young adult days in Manches-  very best programming avail-
           "After six weeks of unem-  none promotional and are   ter. She has proven that when   able on San Diego’s airwaves.
        ployment, I accepted an offer   informative, so the audience
        to work in technical sales for   stays with the announce-
        Xerox. I challenged myself and  ments, rather than switching
        was so surprised at the results,   to another channel or station
        beating the revenue goals in   when the ads come on.       My Tips for Getting into the Radio/TV
        triple digits. However, this was   KPBS is membership                Broadcasting Industry
        not the right fit industry for   driven and increasingly de-              By Karen Haze
        me."                       livers quality news along with
           In October of 2017, Karen  educational and inspirational   I asked Karen Haze to share with our readers some sugges-
        was thrilled to accept what   programming.               tions for getting into her industry. She suggested the following:
        is the favorite position of her   "KPBS viewers and listen-
        career. After six interviews   ers have trust in what they are   1. Research companies that are in that industry find ones that
                                                                   are growing in the city that you are in, or might want to
        and an extensive background   hearing, seeing and experi-  move to, and keep reaching out to those companies in as
        check, she obtained a posi-  encing, especially in this era   many creative ways as possible.
        tion with KPBS TV & Radio   of Fake News. KPBS news
        in San Diego, as a Corporate   is the the opposite of Fake   2. Gear your areas of study to this particular field so that you
        Development Executive.     News, and because of this, we   have the knowledge to back up your enthusiasm.
           "I feel so good about   continue to see tremendous    3. Don’t give up. When you find companies which you are
        what I do now. Everything   audience growth with NPR,      interested in, don’t give up. Sometimes your timing might
        we are doing at KPBS is for   and with the BBC and local   not be right, but six months or a year later there might be a
        the public good, for this   KPBS news programs. I grew     position available. If you have to get a job in a shoe store or
        community, and focuses on   up with the BBC, so I was not   coffee shop in the meantime, then do that, just don’t give
        news, information, the arts,   used to the sensationalism of   up your dream of working for your ideal company. Per-
        and education. It is a quality   the typical news in the USA.   sistence pays off.
        organization, of which I am   The BBC respectfully, taste-  “To prove persistence pays off I personally knew I wanted
        so proud to be a part. I loved   fully and accurately report the   to work for a specific station group and I couldn’t get noticed
        commercial  radio and TV   news. There is no laughing    by them. So, I decided to go to their offices and sit in the lobby,
        for many years, it had been   and joking, nor shock tactics   and ask for the hiring manager, until I could find a way to get
        so much fun, but due to the   to go for ratings. The news   an interview. One morning, I brought Starbucks® coffee for the
        cutbacks, I was no longer   is serious, and that is how it   General Manager and told the receptionist that I needed to
        proud of the product we were   should be delivered. San Di-  see him, or his coffee would be cold. That didn't work. She just
        putting out. It was constantly   egans won't tolerate less than   grabbed it and took it to him. The next day I came back with a
        downgraded.                professionalism. This is San   scone from Starbucks® and told the receptionist that I had for-
                                                                 gotten to give him a scone when I dropped off the coffee the
           At KPBS, I am so proud   Diego, America's finest city,   day before. After a few laughs and being so persistent, I finally
        of the product, both Radio   more is expected of us, and at   got to sit down in front of him, and he pointed to the large pile
        (NPR) and TV (PBS). Also,   KPBS we take this communi-   of resumes on his desk, telling me that once he got through
        I now work with companies   ty’s trust very seriously. KPBS   all of the resumes, if I qualified, he would call me in for an
        who want to do more than   is very grateful to all of those   interview. I told him that I was qualified, he could hire me and
        push out their advertising   listeners who make KPBS FM   I would be happy to let each person who’d sent in a resume
        messages; they are organiza-  the number one most listened   know that the position was filled. I got his attention and ended
        tions who want to show their   to radio station in San Diego.”  up being hired at the company that I so wanted to
        support for this community,    What Karen does is only   work for.
        to give back and to support   one part of the fundraising
        quality programming."      efforts of the non-profit KPBS                  
           Unlike commercial sta-  TV and Radio stations. The         KAREN HAZE              O: (619).594.2485
        tions that can air practically   quality programming on       Account Executive       C: (858).652.2917
        any ad content, with a massive  KPBS is made possible by ap-                          F: (619).594.0448
        amount of spots per hour,   proximately 55,000 contribut-                             89.5 FM, KPBS TV,
        KPBS has carefully crafted   ing members, plus grants and                    
        guidelines regarding what can   donors who pledge money                                5200 Campanile Dr.,
                                                                                               San Diego, CA 92182
                                                                        Corporate Development
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