Page 42 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 42

Inspirational Women

                                              Achieving Success with

                                                     Erica Nitti Becker

                                                               By Judith A. Habert

                                                          Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                                      That hospital had no    with over 3,000 clients     I become a mirror for them. I
                                   idea with whom they were   including some very notable   am there as this non-biased,
                                   dealing. Erica is a fighter, a   Celebrity figures. Erica was no   non-judgmental person for
                                   hard worker and a positive   stranger to how crucial it was   them to talk with, and I ask
                                   individual who was not ok   to know yourself and use your  very directed and mindful
                                   with their diagnosis.  The local  talents to improve your life.  questions.”  Erica’s clients often
                                   newspaper referred to her     “I am a success coach. I   stay with her for years.
                                   as the “Miracle Child,” being   know that there are so many   Having become certified
                                   discharged just one week   different ideas about what   through The International
            HEN YOU EXPERIENCE     later.  “Having a near-death   that means.  What I help   Coaching Federation as well
        Wa near-death experi-      experience changed me.     people do at the end of the   as having gone through Tony
        ence, life changes forever   From the moment I woke up   day is to thrive in life, to be   Robbin’s advanced coach
        more.  Suddenly a new un-  everything was different, I   consistent, stay on track, and   training, Erica also holds addi-
        derstanding of how precious   knew I was here for a reason,   live a life by choice, on their   tional leadership, Emotional
        life is, and how fleeting it can   a purpose, and I had a strong   terms.”        Intelligence, and NLP certi-
        be, develops and the need to                                                      fications. She has complet-
        make your time here as fruit-                                                     ed over 8000 one on one
        ful as possible blossoms.  For                                                    coaching hours. Erica sees
        Erica Nitti Becker this expe-                                                     things that her clients can’t
        rience was one that molded                                                        and sometimes won’t see for
        who she was to become and                                                         themselves. This frequently
        what her goals would be.                                                          results in them having break-
           At the age of 13, Erica was                                                    throughs that they would
        in a horrific car accident in                                                     never have had.
        Seattle and had to be airlifted                                                      So, who are Erica’s clients?
        to Harborview Trauma Center,                                                      “Corporate professionals,
        however before arriving she                                                       entrepreneurs, and people
        was pronounced dead in                                                            building their side hustles.
        flight.                                                                           People come to me for busi-
           “Miraculously, I pulled   desire to do everything. I was   The concept may sound   ness and personal coaching,
        through, after I had been   just so gung-ho on life.”   simple, but I couldn’t help but   one always leads to the other.
        pronounced, and slipped into   Erica would go on to   ask Erica how she does that,   For example, The CEO wants
        a comma. When I awoke a few  pushing her physical and   because as we all know, this   to make better decisions, have
        days later, I vividly remem-  mental limits through adven-  is not as easy as it sounds.    a stronger presence with their
        bered everything that had   ture races and marathons. It   “Getting people to stay on   teams. At the same time, they
        happened in that helicop-  was a hunger for her to prove   track is difficult.  Through   are working on their personal
        ter.  After I came out of the   her body and mind were not   coaching sessions with my   relationships, their exit strate-
        comma, I immediately went   going to fail, and to beat the   clients, I listen to what they   gy, their health, or the life goal
        into surgery.  My parents and   odds.                 are trying to achieve, whether   they gave up on ten years ago.
        I were told I would never live   Erica later found her way   in their business or personal   Ultimately I work with anyone
        an athletic lifestyle, or worse,   to San Diego.”It was at this   life. I have the ability to pick   who wants more in their life,
        never walk again. I should   point that I discovered my   up on things as we talk. I am   who knows that they are not
        also expect to have lifelong   true calling in life, and began   listening to what they are   playing as big as they could
        problems with learning     to study personal develop-  not saying, their language   be. That in order to get to the
        disabilities-due to the brain   ment” Erica’s father was a   patterns, word choices, and to-  next level it means they must
        trauma.”                   Master Coach who worked    nality. It all means something.   break through their perceived

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