Page 3 - SD Woman Magazine Pamela Stambaugh Feature
P. 3

Women of Distinction

        know the difference.  A manag-  productivity and performance
        er can make employees feel as if  of those who work for them.
        they are easily replaceable, and   The hierarchical, command and
        this attitude makes for not only  control way of managing won’t
        a tense work environment but   work today with the new de-
        also a lack of growth because,   mands of employees, who want
        let’s face it, if you don’t feel val-  a great job and a great life.”
        ued, getting up every morning   Admitting their deficits —
        with a positive attitude certain-  for example, doing the same
        ly becomes quite difficult and   things and expecting a better
        maybe even impossible.     result —is often the first step,
           If you are like me, I know   but they also have to be will-
        you have wondered why there   ing to do the work required
        is such a wide gap between   because, without their willing-
        the bosses we love and those   ness to change their behavior
        we fear? Who makes these   – which is much harder than
        managers realize that they are   learning new information —
        accountable, not only to their   their chances of improving
        boss and/or a Board of Direc-  their company, the work en-
        tors but to those who work day   vironment, and the success of
        in and day out for them?    their company are unlikely.”
           Enter Pamela Stambaugh.    Dr. Peter Drucker, business
        Her company, Accountability   guru, said, “Culture eats strat-
        Pays, Inc., began over 25 years   egy for breakfast,” and culture
        ago with the goal of coaching   flows from the top of the orga-
        managers to become great   nization through example.
        leaders.                      The problem that Pamela
           With 70% of disengaged   has faced is that often, those
        employees, a statistic that hasn’t  who need the help are not
        changed for the 20 years Gallup  the ones who want it. “Eric
        has been measuring it — it’s   Schmidt, former CEO and
        well known — books have    executive chairman of Google,
        been written about it: People   said, ‘Every leader should have
        leave people!  They don’t leave   a coach.’ When this advice is
        organizations!             treated as fact, coaching can   off of someone, help them do   unlike athletes, musicians,
           CEOs and those in exec-  be a pivotal contribution to   a gut check, get honest with   and even chefs who cannot be
        utive positions who find and   employee satisfaction through   themselves. I myself have a   great without practice, without
        engage the services of Account-  better leadership, which can   coach, and I know the impor-  trial, and error, a great chef
        ability Pays, Inc. today have   affect the bottom line and the   tance of it, but it’s not just the   will often test a recipe and
        been preceded by a long list of   organization’s growth.   coaching; it’s the continuity of  adjust it many times before
        satisfied clients. Having been   No matter what position   practicing what’s needed. Not   serving it.”
        an executive coach and Vistage   you hold, having someone
        chair for many years, Pamela   who holds you accountable
        understands that one main   for being a leader rather than
        obstacle between manager and   a manager produces measur-
        leader is a manager’s inability   able results in your team. By
        or unwillingness to admit they   being impartial and asking
        need help.                 you hard questions so you see
           Pamela shares, “I some-  your strengths and weaknesses
        times experience resistance   for yourself, empowers even
        from executives, foremost   good leaders to become great
        because they don’t want to   leaders. Excellent coaching is
        admit that they need help.    not a fast process; behavior
        These individuals, both male   change takes time, practice,
        and female leaders, have to   and self-discovery.
        be willing to admit that they   As Pamela explained, “Ev-
        are the source of the lack of   eryone needs to bounce ideas

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