Page 4 - SD Woman Magazine Pamela Stambaugh Feature
P. 4
Women of Distinction
Two New Courses from body and their uncle were gagement cost is $8.8 trillion agement problems will turn out
Accountability Pays Inc.; calling themselves executive dollars, or 9% of global GDP! to be a huge money saver in the
Pamela launches the
Both Tested for Efficacy coaches.” Pamela has always second new offering, Success long run.
been in the field of executive
“Manna Development,
coaching and is certified by Accelerators + Action Multi- which piloted the ‘Success Ac-
I was very excited to hear the International Coach Feder- pliers® on June 17 of this year, celerators + Action Multipliers’
about a new course that Pame- ation. 2024. Manna Development course, has a lot of heart, and
la will be starting in Septem- Although Pamela has been DBA Panera Bread took that the executive team has been to-
ber for senior and emerging working in this field for two on as a pilot project for the gether for 22 years. Their ‘Share
leaders. The course, called and a half decades, she has al- “Success Accelerators + Action the Dough’ program, a chari-
‘Pro Leadership Mastery’ was ways been on the cutting edge Multipliers” for Time Chal- table entity, helps employees in
years in the making through in her field. “I have observed, lenged Leaders, to demon- catastrophic events, sponsors
five different small cohorts of over my 25 years of executive strate the value of long-term families during the holidays,
senior and emerging leaders coaching, that results-oriented, management coaching. and provides scholarships to
who experienced the course driven leaders can eschew who those in need.
and provided feedback, both they are BEING and focus “I have had the oppor-
by pre- and post-testing their their team demands on DO- Get the People Right, tunity to work with Meghan
behavior changes, and by con- ING to HAVE the results they Success Happens, Get the Atilano, the Executive Director
ducting a ‘Stake in the Ground’ expect from their team. This is People Wrong, Painful of HR and Training at Manna
project within their company. short-sighted, and research has Development. She said yes to
“I created the initial confirmed my observations.” Setbacks & HIGHER this year-long coaching of their
course coming out of Covid. Gallup research is con- COSTS operations team that included
And I think that was the piv- ducted every year globally, their finance manager, whose
otal moment when I realized and the cost of employee department had a huge turn-
that it was time to design a disengagement continues to In today’s economy, organiza- over turnaround from partici-
course unlike any other. It grow because, as noted above, tions will be hesitant to employ pating in the ‘Success Acceler-
was no longer enough to be engagement drops to the an outside expert to fix what ators + Action Multipliers’. The
just an executive coach. And bottom line! In aggregate, they cannot rectify in-house. finance department diminished
I say this because every- the continuing 70% disen- The reality is that fixing man- turnover from 60% to 30%
and saved $70,000 in just eight
months, a change attributed to
this 52-week coaching pro-
Accountability Pays Inc.
now offers three results-oriented
packages, inclusive of assess-
ing, pre-testing and post-test-
ing. Each is designed to be
stand-alone or sequential, for
developing leaders and, there-
fore, their teams for greater
productivity, performance, and
The first of these, High-Five
Team, involves assessing and
developing the team. The leader
utilizes self-assessment and
leader assessment from direct
reports. Additionally, the team
assesses itself as a team and then
re-aligns priorities based on that
feedback. This is a 2-3 month
The second, Pro-Leader-
ship Mastery, is a six-month
cohort-based program, designed