Page 5 - SD Woman Magazine Pamela Stambaugh Feature
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Women of Distinction

        to specifically develop leadership   as often long-term diverted   honest “no make wrong”   out that courage is required,
        traits, practice being Account-  attention from desired out-  focus on self-responsibility   while also emphasizing the
        able, Awake, and Aware as a lead-  comes and misalignment   and humility.            long-term benefits of direct
        er, develop listening skills, and   on team purpose.    •  Provide guiding questions   communication and culture
        execute a “Stake in the Ground”   •  Be open-eyed about the   for each party’s preparation.   building.
        project within his/her company.  notion that these issues   Examine one’s role in the   •  Acknowledge to your team
           The Success Accelerators    will resolve themselves    situation and seek reso-   the strengthening effect
        + Action Multipliers® for      (they usually won’t)       lution rather than blame.   of handling conflict, and
        Time-Challenged Leaders are    without the leader’s inter-  A key unifying question   your growth as a leader in
        52 weekly Leadership Mindful-  vention, emphasizing the   is, “What do we all agree   navigating and resolving
        ness practice sessions, requiring   leader’s responsibility to   upon?”              conflicts effectively.  Be
        between 15 and 30 minutes per   take action.            •  Reiterate the need to park   transparent about that.
        session. Individual and/or group                          egos and refocus on the   •  Be committed to enforcing
        coaching is included based on a  2. The Truths about Toxic   team’s purpose and collec-  the value of a self-respon-
        needs assessment survey, which   Situations               tive goals.                sible and collaborative
        initiates the dialog about the                          •  Remind team members to    team, where each member
        program’s value.             •  Human beings have a ten-  seek the leader for help and   actively contributes to the
                                       dency to make ego-based    arbitration in times of stress   resolution of conflicts and
                                       disconnects that become    to prevent conflicts from   collective success. (Con-
        A Deep Dive into the           the root cause of most     escalating.                sider that these traits could
        Impacts of Personal            interpersonal conflicts.                              be values of your organiza-
        Drama, an Example of         •  The dangers of escalating  4. Identifying True Team   If you want to turn your busi-
                                                                  Players and Emotional
                                       conflicts increase when
        Workplace Challenges           individuals seek validation   Maturity            ness into a well-oiled machine,
                                       from other team members,                          prevent issues before they occur,
        Pamela often delves deeply     which exacerbates tensions   •  Accept the possibility of   or simply make your work envi-
        into topics of great concern to   within the team.        someone threatening to   ronment one where employees
        managers who can see them-   •  Watch for the dynamics of   quit as a result of a conflict.  experience being a part of some-
        selves in these situations, to   the classic “drama triangle,”   •  Recognize such threats   thing greater than themselves
        awaken the desire for a better   a cycle of victim, perse-  as a revealing moment to   and want to give their discre-
        relationship with their team   cutor, and rescuer, and its   assess true team players   tionary effort for YOU, their
        that improves productivity and   potential to complicate   versus those who prioritize   leader, schedule a conversation
        performance and makes work     matters and hinder team-   personal agendas.      with Pamela. Click on the link
        more fun!  Managers may be     work.                    •  Embrace the opportunity to  below to access her booking
        conflict averse, thus amplifying   •  Reluctance to report and/or   fill any vacancies with in-  calendar!  https://pamela-stam-
        by negligence the impact of in-  address conflict is mani-  dividuals who exhibit good
        terpersonal drama that occurs   festing these days as “Quiet   EQ (emotional maturity)
        in teams.                      Quitting” and “Great Dis-  and embody collaboration
           Here is an example of       enfranchisement.”          and teamwork.
        personal drama, its impact, and   •  If tension is present but you
        the lessons to be learned, as   don’t know where it’s com-
        follows:                       ing from, skip to the fifth  5. Transforming Conflict
                                       topic here, Transforming   into Opportunity
        1. The Cost of Ignoring        Conflict into Opportunity,
            Personal Drama can be      and take action.         •  View seemingly disastrous
            High, so be Awake and                                 situations as opportunities
            Aware!                 3. An Antidote for Per-        to clarify purpose and fos-
                                       sonal Drama                ter team commitment.
          •  Recognize the adverse                              •  “Culture eats strategy for
           impact of power struggles   •  Practice the “sunshine rule”   breakfast” is a famous quote
           and “blame games” on your   by gathering the entire    from legendary man-       Pamela Stambaugh, MBA
           team’s productivity and     team together in a room to   agement consultant and   President/CEO and Founder
           performance.                address the conflict.      writer Peter Drucker. Ac-
          •  Acknowledge the culture   •  Encourage self-reflection   knowledge the temporary   office (619) 231-0195
           killing consequences of     and accountability among   challenges of addressing   mobile (619) 840-6308
           unresolved conflicts, such   team members, with an     conflicts head-on by calling

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