Page 13 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 13
By Judith A. Habert
Photos courtesy of Tracy Anderson
For just 30 minutes a day you can change your body and your life. with weight and exercise. With a mother who was a professional Dancer
The second bit of inspiration Tracy shared was that age is not a deterrent and Instructor, Tracy’s dream was to follow in her Mom’s footsteps, she
to getting in shape. “I often work with menopausal and post-menopausal even received a dance scholarship to attend college. Unfortunately, Tracy
women. Exercise is so important at every age, and at every fitness level. gained 35 pounds in her first year, and found her dream fall away. She was
Walking is a good start, but most women don’t realize that they are capable determined to find a solution and in doing so her career took a very different
of so much more. It is never too late to start. Real legitimate exercise will path. It is because of this misfortune that we have this wonderful resource
help delay aging. I have clients in their 70’s and 80’s and they are doing who has helped countless women and men become healthy again. Her
great. They have changed their lives and their health through exercise.” 170 videos are the favorite among fitness enthusiasts and currently TA Live
The third insight involved balance. As Tracy shared, “Even stars, such as Streaming is being accessed in over 50 countries worldwide.
Gwyneth Paltrow, who never had a weight problem (and who looks better
as every year passes) realized that after life events like the birth of her Visit Tracy Anderson’s site at and join her on
second child, found that she experienced changes to her body. She was Facebook at Tracy Anderson Method @TracyAndersonMethod.
out of balance. It was my job to help her get the balance back. So with Look for the Beautiful Buick Cascada at Buick Dealers Near You or view it
each client the need is different. No two clients are the same in their needs online at
or in where they may be out of balance. There are also those who may be
in balance, in that case my job is to keep them in balance.”
I asked Tracy if she could offer one diet tip for helping to get our body’s
summer ready and she quickly offered “Cut out Gluten,” so off to the super-
market I go to the gluten free aisle to take advice from the pro.
There was one other question I had to ask while I had the opportunity.
Every woman who has ever given birth has seen how quickly celebrities
appear to bounce back after delivery, and yet most of us normal women
seem to struggle with those extra pounds. Tracy explained, “Celebrities
have the press around them taking photos all the time and we never know
the exact sequence of those photos. They sometimes get the timeframes
wrong. More important though is for most women to consider their personal
situations. If you are a single working mom and you don’t even have 20
minutes that you can responsibly take for yourself to work on getting back
into shape, you cannot expect to get back in shape as quickly as someone
in Hollywood who may have a day nanny and a night nanny and a personal
trainer and a chef coming to them. You can’t compare yourself to them and
feel bad that you haven’t bounced back to your pre baby weight. The worst
thing women can do is look at celebrities and decide to do what they are
doing or drink what they are drinking or think they are not as good as them
because they are not doing as well. You can’t normalize it. It’s not real life,
and it’s cruel for women to be that tough on themselves. Especially when
you are bringing a new life into this world. That is why I created my preg-
nancy, and post pregnancy workout DVD. These help women throughout
the pregnancy, month by month, and then after pregnancy. So they can
get back into shape responsibly and in their homes. This is especially im-
portant for the working mom, who doesn’t want to leave her baby any more
than necessary. She can get into shape in the privacy of her own home
with her newborn nearby.”
Speaking with Tracy was a great experience and I do believe that there is
an element that makes her truly understand the battle most women have