Page 34 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 34

Bitchin & Moaning

                                              By Judith A. Habert

       What has happened to TV news and Sports?  I can’t help but wonder if   a woman hoping to be in this profession, if you are not willing to wear a
       there has been a new mandate from all television networks, that female   short tight dress, pick another career.”
       Anchors and Sportscasters are not allowed in front of the camera unless   When I think of Sportscasters I think of retired athletes who can no longer
       they are wearing bandage dresses that are at least two sizes too small   play on the field, so they talk in the locker rooms or in the sportscaster
       and more than fifteen inches above the knee!           booths or on the fields.  Of late, men are the minority in the Sportscaster
       I do understand that there has always been a double standard on   field. There was something to be said listening to those seasoned athletes
       Network News:  Men stay                                                                  who had war stories of
       around much longer as                                                                    their days behind the glove
       anchors and sportscasters                                                                or throwing the football.
       because they are thought to                                                              Perhaps it was the faded
       look distinguished and more                                                              machismo that kept our
       knowledgeable.  Women                                                                    attention and that there
       are shown the door once                                                                  was life after playing
       they start to show their age                                                             sports.
       - that usually being anything                                                            Instead there are women
       over 35.                                                                                 in the locker room with a
       This has been taken to a                                                                 microphone, shoving it in
       whole new level though.  If                                                              the face of a half -naked
       you have watched TV lately                                                               athlete while wearing their
       you will see that it appears                                                             party dresses.  Rumor has
       as if one network is com-                                                                it that it originated out of
       peting against the next to                                                               Miami where stations were
       see how low the necklines                                                                in constant
       can go and how high the                                                                  competition for the most
       hemlines.  In a recent panel                                                             beautiful and sexy weather
       discussion, I cringed as I                                                               girls.  Ratings
       watched a group of four                                                                  skyrocketed and people
       female newswomen sitting                                                                 not even living in Miami
       around a male anchor.  As                                                                suddenly gained interest
       the camera panned from                                                                   in the daily accuweather
  34   one to the other and they                                                                forecasts:  News shot over
       crossed and uncrossed                                                                    the Internet had developed
       their legs I recalled the                                                                a national following rather
       famous scene with Sharon                                                                 than just local or regional.
       Stone (in Basic Instinct).                                                               Now even the most
       But instead of one there                                                                 conservative and slow-
       was a quartet of them.                                                                   to-change agency, Major
       I can only imagine how                                                                   League Baseball, has
       difficult it must have been                                                              gone the route of not only
       for the male viewers to pay                                                              reporting the scores, but
       attention to what was being                                                              also   making men wonder
       said, while concentrating on                                                             if they can score with the
       hemline movement.                                                                        hot female Sportscasters.
       We have some amazing                                                                     Perhaps this has increased
       female anchors in San                                                                    with the rise of ever more
       Diego; women who have                                                                    expensive Cable broad-
       been in their jobs for                                                                   casting special packages.
       years, like Kimberly Hunt,                                                               In this day and age, we
       who graced our cover a                                                                   do not need to discour-
       few years ago. She is a                                                                  age our young intelligent
       strikingly beautiful woman,                                                              female college women
       but has always dressed                                                                   from entering into a field
       impeccably without having                                                                that clearly needs bright
       to rely on these tactics to                                                              new talent.  If you can get
       get attention.  Matter of fact,                                                          past the outfits, the current
       she recently won an Emmy                                                                 ranks of female broadcast
       - it was for talent not how                                                              journalists are intelligent
       much leg she showed.                                   and excellent at what they do, but many viewers cannot look or listen past
       What is most troubling is the message given to young women who chose   their less than dignified apparel.   Come on MLB and news stations across
       to someday become members of the nightly news.  What happened to the   America.  Don’t you think that there is enough news breaking events that
       belief that talent and hard work was the combination to success in   the talk over the Internet should not be hemlines but storylines?
       broadcast journalism? Now it appears the message being sent is, “As
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