Page 39 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 39
A Martial Arts Perspective on Exercise:
Expression of Transformation Not Mechanical Conditioning
By: Master Joseph Suyat Angeles 4th Degree Black Belt
Exercise has always been a statement of transformation for me and my fellow martial faced with an opponent whose purpose is to harm you is how martial artists transform their
artists. Though the meaning of exercise has changed over the decades, if you consider body, mind and spirit. As Bruce Lee puts it:
the economic boom of the 1950s where people of fit builds and calloused hands signified a “Punches and kicks are tools to kill the ego. The tools represent the force of intuitive or
successful American. As the trait of a hardworking American meant they not only succeeded instinctive directness which, unlike the intellect or the complicated ego, does not divide
within their career but also sustained a healthy physique. Even a great man like itself, blocking its own freedom. The tools move onward without looking back or to the side.”
John F. Kennedy understood the importance of how exercise can transform a human beings Bruce Lee states that our techniques allows us to stay within the moment, in which all of our
mind, spirit and health. senses are as one. For if you wonder within your mind you'll lose sight of what is infront of
you, which can put you in harms way. It's the training with another person that allows us to
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is face our own fears and surpass them.
the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” President John F. Kennedy
"To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person." -
President Kennedy during the early 1960s pushed for higher standards and wished every Bruce Lee
American would attain a healthy body. Though you must understand he didn’t mean that
every American needed to able to do a certain set of exercises. Instead he believed that if It's here that you should understand that exercise for martial artists is about the test of
someone was able to move well without injury and have complete mastery of movement, mental strength and physical mastery. For our willingness to face harm with confidence and
they could proceed to transform control is the transformation we are
their lives. However, nowadays looking for. As this allows us to face
exercise has become more of a other fears within our lives with ease,
means to an end and that end is for learning this type of attitude comes
“looking good”. about through martial arts exercise.
We must challenge ourselves mentally
Mechanical conditioning is the and physically to make exercise a
organized despair of the current productive habit in our lives. We also
state of exercise. The reason I use must stay away from the mundane
the word mechanical is to describe mechanical exercies that are offered
the mundane and emotionless to us everyday; as those programmed
activity we now submit ourselves improvements will only serve a trival
when exercising. For if you think purpose that has been conditioned
about it nowadays most people in our minds by society. You may ask San Diego
exercise to “stay healthy” or “look yourself, are there other forms of Woman
good”. People submit themselves exercise that provide a whole body
to daily routines and sets of transformation? Well yes there are,
exercises to improve a certain here is a small list of various hobbies
part of their body. Here’s a phrase of movement that test mind and your
that can help you understand how body: Rock Climbing, Hiking, Surfing, 39
exercise has changed in the 21st Snowboarding/Skiing, etc. What you're
century, “Love Handles”. This looking for are activities that constantly
dreaded phrase to some describes test your mental fortitude while provid-
a small section of the stomach ing an outlet for body to improve.
area that contains most of our fat. The area in particular has become the main focus for a lot
of people trying to get in “shape”. Think of how many commercials you’ve seen that aims to Exercise isn't about getting rid of an unwanted part of your body, but instead should provide
get rid of unwanted fat around the stomach, as well the amount of exercise DVDs that say you an outlet for productivity. Exercise should allow you to be more productive in life and
they can give you that 6 pack that you’ve always wanted. For having a slim body, toned abs allow you to grow mentally and physically beyond your own expectations. For when we
and great physique no longer means a successful person like in the good old days of the focus our energy into improving ourselves as a whole we allow ourselves to explore the
America. But it now means you are physically attractive, “hot” or “sexy”; for this has become possibilities we've always had in ourselves.
the new purpose of exercising, to create a self-image that is culturally acceptable.
Now the word conditioning comes into play, for some of us have been conditioned to
believe that exercise only serves a physical and social purpose. People are mechanically
conditioned to do sets of workouts to create a self-image that is socially acceptable. It’s
here that we’ve lost the real purpose of exercise, no longer are we transforming our bodies
to improve our minds and spirit. Instead we now conditioned to exercise so we can get that
great beach body we’ve “always wanted”. Here’s a quote that might help you understand
the condition of exercise in this century: Anthony Hong Tae Kwon Do
“When there is freedom from mechanical conditioning, there is simplicity. Life is a 12265 Scripps Poway Parkway #106, Poway, CA 92064
relationship to the whole.” –Bruce Lee (858)547-0080
We’ve have complicated exercise into rigorous mundane movements to fulfill standards Master Joseph Suyat Angeles has been training Martial Arts for over half of his own lifetime, an astonishing
14 consecutive years. As a native of San Diego he prides himself in trying to improve his immediate community by
that have been put upon us by society. We have to bring back the traditional idea of what influencing his students to be productive and positive human beings. For he believes that if we want to create a better
exercise used to be, an expression of transformation of the body, mind and spirit. community we must all take responsibility in improving ourselves and inspiring others to do the same. Master Joseph went
Transformation of the body, mind and spirit can be achieved through the mastery of to SDSU earning a bachelors degree in Psychology, taking classes that emphasized upon: Learning, Child Development
and Behavior. He utilizes what he has learned at SDSU to help him better train and teach his students, allowing them to
movement. Martial Arts have always been about mastery of the self, being able to conquer realize their true potential. He believes the pursuit of self-actualization, the realization of one's talents and potential is the
your fears and expand yourself to your truest potential. Exercise is the foundation for our key to success and happiness. With over 10 years of teaching experience he has seen the effectiveness of Martial Arts on
transformation, in which we focus on mastering all movement rather than focusing on one or the human condition. For he believes we must train ourselves mental and physically to sustain the amount of stress we
must endure in our lifetime. And if we are able to condition ourselves to sustain great stress physically and mentally we are
two areas of the body. Being able to move efficiently without injury and at the same time be then able to pursue our life goals much easier.