Page 48 - Tracy Anderson Issue
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San Diego Woman Magazine’s

                                           PINK PAGES

       English as a Second Language Instructor  Carol Haitin   Financial Advisor  Laurie Itkin
                         Carol Haitin is a specialist of TESL (Teaching English as   Laurie Itkin founded The Options Lady to educate and empower
                         a Second Language). Carol has conducted numerous     women and couples to take control of their finances, overcome
                         teacher training workshops and developed curriculum for   their fears of investing, and grow the money they work so hard
                         non-English speakers at various universities and community   to earn.  She is also a financial advisor and money manager at
                         colleges - UC Berkeley, Holy Names University, English   Coastwise Capital Group.
                         Language Institute, La Catolica University, Washington   Laurie is the author of the Amazon best seller Every Woman
                         Educational Research Associates, Pasadena City College,   Should Know Her Options:  Invest Your Way to Financial
                         to name a few. Most recently she was the coordinator of   Empowerment. Laurie graduated from the Wharton School of the
                         a federally-funded program to assist amnesty applicants   University of Pennsylvania in 1990 with a B.S. in economics and
                         meet educational goals while serving as an adjunct faculty   a concentration in finance. For more information visit
                         member of Pasadena City College. For more informa- You can contact Laurie by email at
                         tion visit her site at  Carol can be or by phone at 858 220 4736
                         reached via email at Or by phone
         Member WEG      at 858.342.9423                       Member WEG
        Home Staging and Redesigning  Sophia Segal             Interior Design    Doro Pirino
                                                                                  Dorothée Pirino is an allied member of ASID (American
                         Sophia Segal, is a professionally trained and certified design-  Society of Interior Design), she has over 15 years of
                         er, and the brains and talent behind Creative Home Styles.   experience in interior architecture and design. Working
                         Creative Home Styles is an HSR Certified Professional Home   with homeowners and developers on new constructions
                         Staging and Interior Redesign company serving San Diego   and remodels, Dorothée approaches her work with a
                         and surrounding areas.  Her personal style is exquisite and   client-centric mindset. She listens to her clients to de-
                         eclectic and she delights in the many popular genres of home   sign unique interior spaces that are esthetical, functional
                         and commercial space designs. Whether you are selling    and tailored to their needs. She likes to create design
                         your home and need someone to update it and increase its   solutions that enhance her clients’ lifestyle and sense
                         appeal for prospective home buyers, or perhaps just want a   of well being in their homes. Originally from Belgium,
                         change of atmosphere, give Sophia a call at  858.500.6298 or   Dorothée is greatly influenced by European design and
                         email her at  For additional   architecture. To obtain more information email Dorothée
                         information visit             at or contact her by phone at
                                             Member WEG                                             Member WEG

       Marketing Strategy  Lauren Essex                        Marriage and Family Therapist  Adrienne Blumberg
 48                     In her 20+ years as a marketing quarterback with Fortune   Adrienne Blumberg is a Licensed Marriage and Family
                                                                                 Therapist, who has been working with children, teens,
                        500 and early stage companies, Lauren has run multi-     adults and families for over 25 years. She counsel children,
                        national brands as large as $150M in sales, launched new   families, individual women and men in addition to couples
                        businesses generating over $75M in sales, and helped     on all issues impacting one’s healthy and productive life-
                        take an early stage company public. Her customer-centric   style. Adrienne is a member of The American Association
                        approach enables companies large and small to understand   for Marriage and Family Therapist (AAMFT) in addition to
                        their target, build brands and launch go-to-market strategies   a member of the California Association of Marriage and
                        that have impact in the market. Lauren’s expertise spans   Family Therapists. (CAMFT) Adrienne is also a Registered
                        technology, consumer products/services, and healthcare -   Play Therapist and proudly holds a membership in the
                        with a particular emphasis on marketing to women. To learn   Association of Play Therapy. For more information visit her
                        more about getting your brand to market, contact: lauren@  site at  She can be
               or visit Linkedin/LaurenJEssex.   reached via email at or by phone
                                                                                 at 858.349.1422.
                                             Member WEG                                              Member WEG
       Medical Spa Owner  Dr. Mary Anne Fuchs  Member WEG      Personal Trainer        Linda Kennedy  Member WEG
                    Dr. Mary Anne Fuchs is the owner-director of Del Mar Aesthetic Clinic,   Linda Kennedy, CSCS, SNC, FMS has been in the
                    a full-service medical spa, Through artistic application of the latest   fitness industry since 1993 as a fitness expert, public
                    non-surgical techniques and technologies, she focuses on achieving   speaker and published author.  A former competitive ath-
                    “natural" facial sculpting and skin rejuvenation for her clients.   lete, professional dancer and winning figure competitor,
                    A graduate from UC Santa Barbara (Summa Cum Laude) in 1988, Dr.   she has appeared on Fox 6 News and been featured in
                    Fuchs received her MD degree at UC Irvine, followed by specialty train-  local newspapers for her LEANPower!® Exercise and
                    ing at UCLA and UCSD in Emergency Medicine and Sports Medicine.   Nutrition System.  She has helped countless clients
                    Dr. Fuchs founded the Del Mar Aesthetic Clinic in 2009, and has brought   not only cease using cholesterol and blood pressure
                    together a small team of talented, highly-trained clinicians and staff.   medications, detect breast cancer and other diseases,
                    Del Mar Aesthetic Clinic has been designated a ‘Black Diamond’   and re-established hormonal balance, but lose over 900
                    provider (top 1% in the country) by Allergan, makers of Botox® and   pounds, 350 inches and still going today.
                    Juvéderm®, two years in a row. For more information visit Dr Fuchs’
                    site at
                    You can contact her at or by phone at
                    858 259 4772

        Naturopathic Medicine  Dr. Kristine Reese              Plastic Surgeon       Dr. Marialyn Sardo MD, FACS
                       LotusRain Naturopathic Clinic, Inc.                      The Center for Beauty in La Jolla provides an elite cosmetic
                                                                                experience, from your initial consultation to post-surgical
                       At LotusRain we offer Naturopathic Primary Care in a positive,   care.  If you are considering any cosmetic procedure, Dr.
                       light-filled space. Additional services include IV Therapy, Integra-  Sardo should be top of your list. With more than 20 years of
                       tive Oncology, HBOT, and Infrared Sauna. Join us in your pursuit   cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery
                       of optimal health by contacting our office via e-mail at dr@drkris-  experience, you can be certain your results will be extraordi-
             , via phone at 619-239-LIFE (5433), or visiting us   nary. As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Sardo brings an artistic
                       online at We are located at 5210 Balboa   hand and a woman’s sensitivity to her refined technical skills.
                       Avenue, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92117.                    Whether you are considering breast enhancement, reduction
                       Optimize your care, your health, your life!              or lift, tummy tuck, or are ready for your mommy makeover,
                                                                                Contact The Center for Beauty toll free now for more infor-
                                                                                mation and a free consultation at 866-Dr Sardo
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