Page 47 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 47

San Diego Woman Magazine’s

                                        PINK PAGES

           Admission College Counselor  Victoria Bennet          Artist           JoAnn Dutton
                               Victoria Bennett is an Independent College Admissions   JoAnn Dutton is a broad spectrum artist... specializing in the
                               Advisor located in North San Diego County. She helps   construction/fabrication of habitats for life in captivity. This
                               students organize for the college application process   translates to building museum quality simulated rock, trees,
                               by creating lists of appropriate schools, brainstorming   vines and other organic features indigenous to a specific
                               for and editing essays, consulting on extra-curricular   species' environment in a zoological setting. After nearly 20
                               activities, testing and courses, navigating the different   years in the industry, her work can be seen in zoos, natural
                               applications and being available during the entire   history museums, aquariums and amusement parks all over
                               application process to answer questions and concerns.   the country.
                               For more information visit Victoria’s site at      JoAnn is currently a lead with Universal Studios in the hands
                       She can be      on construction of the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter in
                               reached via email at   Hollywood opening in 2016.Visit her site at
                               or by phone at 619 993 1613               for more information.  JoAnn can be
                                                                                  contacted by Phone at 310 924-0025
                                                 Member WEG                                           Member WEG
           Attorney         Lauren Hanna                         Certified Life Coach  Vanessa Lurie
                            Lauren Hanna is an athlete, attorney, and entrepreneur and   Vanessa Lurie is the mother of three amazing sons, wife
                            has worked in brand building and licensing prior to starting   of one incredible husband, and Certified Life Coach.
                            her own trademark licensing firm in 1998. Hanna's Company   Through individual and group coaching, she helps
                            represents and builds brands (e.g. Jack Daniel’s) by develop-  women who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's transition into
                            ing and implementing strategies for brand extension via   their future with ease and self-care. She will lovingly help
                            trademark licensing. Lauren is also a sponsored triathlete and   you achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, step into
                            races for HERevolution Women’s Triathlon Team, participates   your power and get what you want out of this next excit-
                            in many cycling events, and is an avid skier. Lauren shares   ing (yes it will be!) phase of your life. Contact Vanessa
                            her passion for fitness and health through her second busi-  via email at or by phone at
                            ness as an independent distributor for Lifevantage, Corp.,   858.395.8278
                            a health and wellness company.  For more information visit
                    You can
                            also contact Lauren by email at
                            or by phone at 858.442.6776
                                                 Member WEG                                           Member WEG
           Concierge     Marcie Laws             Member WEG      Dental Implant Consultant  Cathy Geddes
                            Marcie Laws is a San Diego native that owns a boutique-style   Cathy Geddes is a Dental Implant Educator and Consultant.
                            Senior care and personal assistant company, Mirabella Care.   She is also a vacation rental by owner. Her goal is to develop
                            As a single mother to an active toddler, and someone that   new relationships, build wealth and collaborate to support oth-
                            has been involved in Senior and end-of-life care for more   ers in their business endeavors.
                            than 15 years, she understands the importance of providing   Cathy Geddes, CDA, is a credentialed Certified Dental Assis-  San Diego
                            quality, reliable, and affordable services to families that are   tant graduating from George Brown College, Toronto, Canada.    Woman
                            "sandwiched" between raising their children and caring for   With 30 years of experience in the dental profession she now
                            their elderly parents. Services range from meal preparation to   lectures, sharing her passion to educate those involved in the
                            laundry, errands, hands-on Senior Care, and home organiza-  advancing world of implant dentistry.  In 2013 Cathy started
                            tion.  Marcie loves to hike, cook, and spend time at the beach   her own consulting business called Geddes Solutions.  While
                            with her son, Evan.  Marcie graduated from Ramona High   working with many dental professionals in her career, Cathy
                            School and then obtained a Bachelor's degree in Social Work   saw a need to educate the dental team on how to answer pa-  47
                            from Miami University in Ohio. Visit her site at      tients’ questions on implants with confidence. For information
                   or contact her via phone at     on Cathy’s Dental consulting firm or Vacation Rentals contact
                            858.208.3678 or by email at  Member WEG  her via email at
           Clinical Psychologist                                   Real Estate Agent   Jaime V. Habert
                            Dr. Penny Michelle Abrams
                                                                                    Jaime is your key to home ownership. After helping her
                                                                                    mother find a home, Jaime fell in love with the field. The
                                                                                    ability to make life-long relationships with people while
                             Dr. Penny Michelle Abrams Is a clinical psycholo-      providing a superior service was the catalyst to creating
                             gist (Psy Lic 20753) in La Jolla (UTC), providing      her business. Jaime’s background is varied. From her
                             individual and couple counseling as well as personal,   early days as an Animal Caretaker, to her most recent
                             professional and corporate coaching and high conflict   position as Entertainment Editor for San Diego Woman
                             mediation.  (                 Magazine, Jaime’s skill set is as diverse as her clientele.
                                          Assisting everyone from first-time homebuyers to estab-
                                                                                    lished investors, Jaime’s outstanding customer service
                                                                                    remains the same. Contact her via phone (858) 829-7891
                                                                                    or e-mail at

           Title Insurance Sales          Kristi Neal            Corporate Sales    Risé Edney,
           Executive      Kristi is a sales representative with Title365. Title insurance provides   Risé Edney, former corporate sales person, current volunteer extraordi-
                          home buyers and lenders with vital protection against losses from certain   naire, and major people person.
                          title issues including forgery, fraud, and liens – problems that might limit   She currently assists her husband in his Business Succession and
                          a homeowner’s use and enjoyment of their property. She works with   Estate Planning practice as Brokerage Director with Mass Mutual and
                          home buyers/sellers, realtors and lenders.               as owner of Estate Resource Group, a firm of professionals involved
                          Kristi specializes in business planning and marketing solutions with   in all aspects of tax planning for successful business owners, their key
                          agents of all levels and skill sets, assisting clients achieve results in their   employees, and their families.
                                                                                   Rise is also an Ambassador for the San Diego County Fair and works
                          business development efforts. She proudly represents Title365, offering   with the fairgrounds throughout the year.
                          the very best products and services in the business. She is personally   A resident of Carmel Valley for almost twenty years, she has embedded
                          dedicated to providing superior customer service and support to the   herself in the community. having held various business to business
                          people she works with, constantly looking for ways to be a valuable   sales, and marketing positions throughout North Coastal and Central
                          member of their team in order to help them achieve their goals and   San Diego County. Rise is considered a center of influence and an
                          ultimately increase their business. For more information email Kristi at  excellent referral source who delights in creating partnerships for either
                          HYPERLINK "" or   business purposes or just helping someone find that “perfect deal”.
                          contact her via phone                                    To contact Rise email her at HYPERLINK "mailto:raedney@prodigy.
                          Mobile: 858.752.1115 | Office: 619.564.5600              net" or reach her by phone at 858.361.8236
                                                 Member WEG                                             Member WEG
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