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P. 22

Broken rock ranch

                                                                                                By Judith A. Habert
                                                                      needing a calming force.
                                                                      A quick look at Yelp reviews echoes the role Kami plays in all
                                                                      of her weddings.  Every review raves about the service they
                                                                      receive from Kami and how she made their wedding day
                                                                      Kami admitted that she learned this from personal
                                                                      experience.  About to walk down the aisle she completely
                                                                      froze and her legs would not move.  Her Dad coaxing her
                                                                      finally allowed her to move methodically down the aisle. This
                                                                      occurred during her marriage to her high school sweetheart
                                                                      whom she started dating in Dec 1979 for 2 years, and de-
                                                                      cided to track down in 2004.  Her determination to find him
                                                                      paid off, as they just celebrated their 10 year wedding
                                                                      anniversary. A true romantic at heart, Kami wants to be sure
                                                                      that each bride has the happy storybook ending she deserves.
                                                                      If you are looking for a venue that will take you away from
                                                                      all the hubbub, which generally surrounds your life (and is
                                                                      escalated during your wedding), this facility will allow you to
                                                                      get back to nature and  concentrate on the real reason that
                                                                      this gathering of friends and family is occurring.  Although it
                                                                      is located in the small town community of Valley Center, only
                                                                      40 minutes from Downtown San Diego,  it makes you feel as if
                                                                      you are in somewhere in the middle of America.
                                                                      Broken Rock Ranch offers several different plans for your
     Since all brides are not the same, neither should all wedding venues.    wedding day, but there is one thing that makes this venue
     Broken Rock Ranch is a prime example of one of these unique wedding   stand out even beyond the varied choices.  Where others offer you a
     locations.  I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kami Voertman, one of   block of time into which you must cram all of your planned wedding day
     the owners to discuss this unique venue.                 festivities, Broken Rock Ranch is different.   When you book your wed-
     If you are searching for a down home country-style wedding The Broken   ding with them you don’t just have access to the facility for the usual 6-8
     Rock Ranch is the ideal wedding spot for you and your fiancée.    hours, you are
     With a history dating back to 1924, the grounds have been everything   given it for three full days to assure that you have sufficient time to
     from a TB sanitarium called “Happy Land Sanitarium” to a Lutheran   make your wedding event the wonderful day you always dreamed it would
     church camp.  The camp was owned for quite a while by Caroline Hertzog   be.  Whether you use these days to drop off dresses or tuxedos, to deco-
     and her family who had it during prohibition.  Since the grounds were   rate the facilities, to hang out with your bridal party, to use their resort
     full of grape vines it seemed only natural that they would make wine.  So   style swimming pool or even to stay overnight in their rustic accommoda-
 22  after prohibition she decided to become a church, and a faith healer.   tions, bunk beds and all. It is totally up to you.
     When she passed away in 1960, she donated the entire camp to the
                                                              Once you have booked this venue, your next decision is where to hold your
     Lutheran Laymen League, the church was built and dedicated in her name.    ceremony.  There are several choices and endless possibilities as to where
     The Light of the Valley Church, was started in the early 1970’s with its   you can say your “I Do’s.”  You can select an open air ceremony on their
     12 original members. They opened it up to the townspeople, requiring two   large open field decorated with large bales of hay and a classic vintage
     hours of service church projects, and they would then be allowed to stay   tractor.  The backdrop for your ceremony is what is referred to as the
     on the camp grounds.  After 30 years, the camp and its facilities become   Grandfather Pepper Tree. The surrounding view for your guests are
     quite run down.                                          rolling hills of plush greenery.  Now how many of your friends will have
     Kami and her family acquired it in 2009 and I asked her if her original   similar wedding pictures hanging in their homes?
     plan for the facility was as a wedding venue?  She giggled and responded,   If this isn’t unique enough you can opt for a wedding in their large amphi-
     “No! I originally wanted to run stables here.  I love horses.  I had plans to   theater, which has tiered seating where guests can sit and watch you and
     turn the hotel rooms into barns stables.”   So I had to ask how she ended   your groom exchanging your vows under an altar made of branches.
     up going from horses to brides?  She smiled and said, “Well it kind of just    If you are more of a traditionalist there is always the third choice, a
     evolved.  We started doing church functions and business groups, and   wedding in the church that was built by Broken Rock Ranch’s previous
     realized that if we could do those functions then weddings were not all   owner.  With three unique choices no two wedding have to be the same.
     that different?                                          As with the ceremony, your reception can be held either inside or outside.
     I had to ask what the biggest challenge was with owning a wedding venue,   There is a reception hall where you can let the festivities begin or opt
     and Kami admitted that there are times when things get rather crazy.    for dinning beneath the stars on the Reception Lawn with tents and its
     “Sometimes I will take a look at the Bride, and I can tell that she is about   recently built dance floor.
     to have a major meltdown.  I will go to her, grab her by the arm and say,   The lodge’s professional kitchen is perfect for your caterer to whip up
     ‘come with me, you need to powder your nose’ and I will get her out of the   the amazing wedding fare, whether you chose to go with a traditional
     line of fire.  It is so overwhelming sometimes, and she is being approached   BBQ menu or select an elegant cuisine.  To serve alcohol on the grounds
     by everyone looking for answers, when in reality, no one should be bother-  you will need to hire a beverage service or a restaurant with a liquor
     ing her on this day.  This is her day, and she should just be enjoying this   license since the Ranch does not have a liquor license.
     memory that will stay with her for the rest of her life.”   Rates for a wedding at the Broken Rock Ranch are extremely reasonable
     Kami revealed that often it is the MOB and MOG that are even more   with two available packages. Package A is $3,700 and that is for 200
     demanding than the bride and groom.  I looked at her with a dazed   guests and Package B is $3,000 and that is for 100 guests with every 50
     expression, not wanting to look like a wedding novice and after a few   over being an additional $250.  A $1,000 deposit holds the venue for your
     moments I figured out to what or should I say to whom, she was refer-  wedding weekend. $2,000  refundable security deposit is required.
     ring.  The Mother of the Brides and the Mother of the Grooms.  Kami also   If you do not want the cookie cutter wedding that all of your friends
     admitted that this occurs in all families whether they are doing a wedding   have opted for, take the time to visit Broken Rock Ranch and speak with
     for a Bride and Groom, Groom and Groom or Bride and Bride, “the stress   Kami.
     of the                                                   Visit their website at for more information
     wedding day can often get to them and I feel it is part of my job to   and photos Kami can be reached via email at "mailto:Broken.Rock@att.
     remove as much stress as I can.”  Kami explained that although she   net" or call 760 719 1278
     remains rather unobtrusive she can usually be found sitting on a bench
     somewhere on the grounds keeping an eye out for that frazzled bride
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