Page 26 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
P. 26
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
By Sharon Hightower
As an older bride, my main concern about the entire wedding was how I It was a busy morning in the shop. There were two other bridal parties
was going to look. I’m sure all brides are concerned, but I was crazy all laughing and talking. I’d sent mine off to see to things at the church,
obsessive about it. I drove my friends and family nuts as I agonized but also because I just wanted to relax and breathe deeply. Sitting at
over my dress and my shoes and whether or not I should wear a veil. the shampoo bowl, I thought about how lucky I was to know my hair-
I don’t know what concerns you today, but I just want to tell you that dresser. Patty was my brother’s longtime girlfriend and somehow know-
it doesn’t matter. No matter how hard you try, Murphy’s Law will be in ing her made me feel safer. Although, in all honestly, I didn’t have her
force on your big day. But when you look back on it, the thing that goes do my hair regularly because she thought short meant a razor cut.
wrong, the snafus that kept you up nights trying to avoid, may turn out We proceeded. She applied some yummy smelling conditioner, rinsed my
to be the things that make your wedding memorable; the very things hair, and wrapped a fresh towel around my head. Patiently she dried my
that will take the edge off and give your guests a giggle. And, in time, hair and then began to backcomb it. As she did, I noticed that she was
you may laugh about them too. glancing around sort of nervously, but I wasn’t prepared for what hap-
I finally got a dress, but due to some unforeseen circumstances the pened next. She asked one of the other stylist to finish my hair saying
big day got postponed – twice, so I found myself sweltering in the hot that she just couldn’t do it.
afternoon in mid-August in a If you watched the movie
long sleeved gown purchased Bridget Jones and saw how
for my April wedding. But what her hair looked before the
can one do? You can’t return hair dresser finished with it
wedding dresses – the evening of her big date;
especially after they’ve been mine looked worse. It was
altered a bit to compensate literally standing up all over
for the extra ten pounds the my head having been ratted
nervous bride had gained. within an inch of its life.
To ensure that I was well It stuck straight out like
rested, I opted to spend the the worst frizz out you’ve
night at the venue – the old ever seen. And Patty had a
Mission San Luis Rey. They meltdown. And no one could
have lots of guests’ rooms help with all the other ladies
for their retreats, so they there also going to wed-
could easily accommodate one dings. Patty took a few deep
slightly crazy bride-to-be. My breaths and stuck some hair-
big concern at this choice was pins in and then disappeared
the lack of mirrors. Normally somewhere in the back of the
on a retreat, one’s outward ap- shop.
pearance is not of great con- I was horrified. I paid
cern, so you don’t find a lot of someone (why???) and left
26 mirrors around a church. How the shop. I needed to get
was I going to see the final back to the church and get
look once I’d managed to get dressed. I didn’t cry. I was
into the cumbersome dress I’d in such shock, that I didn’t
chosen? Simple. I told myself. even cry driving all the way
Bring your own mirror. from downtown Fallbrook to
Of course I forgot. When I Oceanside. I don’t think I
arrived late that afternoon breathed either.
and began to unpack all of my When I got to the retreat
paraphernalia, I quickly real- center, my daughter was
ized that I had not brought waiting for me. And her
the full length mirror I’d taken off my the door in bedroom closet expression told me everything.
especially for this day. Well, too late now. “Good Lord, what happened?” she burst out.
I checked in with the receptionist, who I’d known for quite some time, “I don’t know. Patty had a meltdown,” I replied.
and she happily showed me to my room with a small smile on her face. It Fortunately, I had not made up my mind about a veil and had bought two
seems they had given me the retreat leader’s room (one that I’d never – one with a tiny wreath of flowers and one with a fairly wide brimmed
seen before) and it was like a suite compared to the usual “cells” that hat. The choice was clear now. Sarah took the hat and managed to stuff
I had stayed in. And, yes, there was a mirror – in fact, there were two. most of my hair into it, leaving a few tendrils, so that I didn’t look quite
One on each closet door. Yea! so awful. In the heat of that August day, folks probably wondered why
I imagine no one was happier than my bridal party when the morning I never took the hat off, but – hey – let them wonder. It was my secret.
dawned. Soon, it would all be over, and they could stop listening to me When the altar boy dropped the bell and it went clanging down the
worry about every little thing. The guys were on their own and the stairs, a twitter went around the church at my sister’s wedding. When
girls were up early and off to the hairdresser. Both my niece and my the flower girl froze at my friend’s wedding, her failure to toss out the
daughter opted for “updos” and looked splendid when I arrived a couple rose petals got funnier the closer she got to the altar. When the bridal
of hours later. They twirled around and preened showing off truly lovely party turned onto a one way street at another wedding, it was both
hairdos. I was so excited for them and anxious to have my turn. dangerous and hysterical. These are the things that really make the day
I took my seat in front of the mirrors and relaxed as my hairdresser, memorable. So, relax. Something will go wrong. And, in the end, it will be
Patty, began brushing my long hair as we discussed – again – the style all right.
we’d chosen. I’d also wanted an updo, and in honor of the big day had As for me, I didn’t take my hat off until my new husband and I arrived
grown my hair to shoulder length, a real accomplishment as I’d been at our hotel room where we staying before leaving the following day on
wearing it super short for years. And just to be sure we got it right, our honeymoon. When I took it off, his eyes got big and he said,
she’d had me come to the shop the week before and we’d played with “Good Lord, what happened?”
several styles.