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of their names for $200 in a beautiful card given directly to the couple at
                                                              the event or placed in a gift card box customarily provided at the wedding.
                                                              Or you could give the card to one of their parents for safe keeping, which is
                                                              discrete and appropriate too.
     Top 5 Go-To Wedding                                      If you plan to purchase the future couple's wedding gift from their registry,

                                                              you will not be alone. Most people would surely opt for the ease of having
                                                              their choices laid out for them in a black and white printout at the store.
     Gifts That They                                          But be forewarned, unless you shop a least a month or two before the wed-
                                                              ding date and if they have a large guest list, you could possibly be left with
                                                              slim pickings from that list! My experience has been that you could end up
                                                              having to choose from a few spatulas and maybe one China place setting to
     Really Do Need                                           wrap up in a gift box! The randomness of it all is so ridiculous, and you will be
                                                              the guest who had to settle for bringing "that gift"!

                                                              One strategy is to look up the happy couple's gift registry ahead of time on-
      By Pamela Waller-Niven                                  line to see what they have chosen. Then go to the store to buy what you had
                                                              planned to get only to find out they don't have the item in stock anymore or
                                                              someone has already purchased it before you got there. Or you could
                                                              purchase the item online, hope that it arrives on-time and that the registry
                                                              has been updated in real time automatically. No big deal, every newly wed
                                                              has had to do a lot of returning or exchanging duplicate items, am I right?!
                                                              So, to be safe please do look at their wedding gift registry online, but use it
                                                              as a guide only.
                                                              Here are the top 5 great go-to wedding gifts, why all newlyweds really do
                                                              need these things and will probably thank you years later for getting them in
                                                              the first place.
                                                              1. Le Creuset Dutch oven. These pots are offered in many color and sizes,
                                                              but the 5 1/2 quart is the standard and the most useful size. Look for great
                                                              deals online or go to discount stores to purchase this traditional iconic
                                                              Dutch oven. If neither bride nor groom knows how to cook yet, someone will
                                                              surely have to learn soon enough and this fabulous cast-iron enameled pot
                                                              will be their go-to pot for soups, pot roast, pulled pork and any other kind
                                                              of one pot recipe. Not only would it be a staple in anyone's kitchen, but the
                                                              newlyweds will thank you for buying it for them since most young couples do
                                                              not have extra money laying around nor do they even know that they needed
                                                              one...yet. There are other manufacturers of Dutch ovens, just shop around
                                                              to find the best one for the best price and voila the best gift ever!
                                                              2. An everyday dish setting for 12 in white. Now I know what you are
 24                                                           thinking, white? How boring...but not really. White is the most elegant color,
                                                              it will go with any decor, table cloth, and food looks the most appetizing on
                                                              it...take note of dish color next time you are at a nice restaurant. Find the
                                                              best dishwasher and microwave safe dishes you can find. Look for fine ce-
                                                              ramic with simple lines and if you can find an open stock type where they can
                                                              easily be replaced if chipped...that is ideal. Shop around and look at stores
                                                              like Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma and department stores. I realize most
                                                              brides dream of picking out their signature style China pattern, but let's
                                                              face often do you really use your china anyway?!  They will thank you
     It's wedding season again! Most couples pick their wedding day to be either   every day they reach for their plates at every meal.
     in the spring or summer and for good reason...spring symbolizes birth, new   3. At least 2 full sets of luxurious 100% cotton bath towels. Color is
     beginnings and summer's weather is usually nice or at least predictable. In   subjective so, get hints from the happy couple's gift registry, but white is
     San Diego, however, with beautiful weather year round wedding months are   always a great choice. Why? Because again it will go with most decor and it
     just about every month.                                  can be washed in hot water and bleached!  Shop around at all the department
                                                              stores for the best price or buy from an online linens store. They will both
     So, you have been invited to a wedding in November and now you have to   realize how thoughtful you were to give them something they use everyday!
     decide what to give that lucky couple on their most glorious day.   4. A high-thread count 100% cotton, high-fill baffled down comforter.
                                                              First, you will have to find out if either bride or groom is allergic to down.
     How do you decide? In this day and modern age, the bride and groom help   I sure hope not, but if one of them is, you could still buy the softest down-
     us out quite a's called a bridal/wedding registry. Usually the bride   alternative comforter. Refer to their gift registry to see what size bed
     will be choosing the majority of the items and the groom has to nod "yes" in   sheets they have listed. If not listed, you could make a call to their parent
     agreement. The bride and groom go to their local department store or favor-  or friend to see if they have recently bought sheets or bedding and in what
     ite housewares store and pick out items that they think they want or need   size, but be discrete so they don't steal your idea. A great down comforter
     to start their new life together as Mr. and Mrs. This task can be   can last a very long time and you can easily replace a duvet cover when it's
     exciting and/or overwhelming for the bride and groom. Mostly because many   time to redecorate your bedroom! The happy couple will thank you for a cozy
     of these future spouses have no idea what they really need for their new   nights sleep every night!
     home, be it an apartment, condo or house. All they know is that they better   5. Small appliances, such as: toaster or toaster-oven; coffee machine
     choose things and get this task done before all the real work starts, pulling   and grinder; Panini press; and rice cooker (if you want to spend more,
     off a fabulous wedding of their dreams.                  any combination of these).  The best most practical wedding gift my
                                                              husband and I ever received was a rice cooker from our Auntie Marge. I
     When one is an invitee to this future life changing event, it is not only an   didn't realize how much I would use that little useful machine. You can cook
     honor, but it's your duty to present the best gift that you can think of or   rice and steam vegetables at the same time (in the steamer tray that comes
     at least afford. The first thing you should consider is what is your relation   with the cooker)!  I have always been grateful to Auntie Marge for that
     to either the bride or groom. Is the bride your niece or a family friend's   first rice cooker until this very day!  Many young couples may already have
     daughter? Or is the groom your cousin or your son's college roommate? This   these appliances, but inexpensive models, so you could make the upgrade
     relationship fact is important, because it will determine what is an   for them. Check their gift registry to see if they listed any of these, but I
     appropriate expenditure for the gift. A good rule of thumb is if the person   highly doubt it. These are the most overlooked and undesirable gift items
     is related to you by blood, your budget should be $100-300. If the person is   to purchase, but mark my words...they will thank you after drinking that
     not a blood relative it is safe to spend around $50-200 on a gift. Of course,   eye-opening indispensable cup of joe in the morning or after eating that easy
     the final amount is up to your financial discretion!     chicken, rice and veggie dinner last night!
     If you choose to give the most practical, a check written in both
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