Page 30 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
P. 30

Smile Pretty for the Camera

      Your wedding day is coming near and you have most of the details in   can cause staining to teeth, so after we perform an in office whitening
      place.  Except for one thing that has been haunting you for years.  You   procedure we suggest that you stay away from foods that are known to
      have always wanted to feel comfortable showing the world how happy   stain teeth.  This will keep your teeth white for a lot longer.”
      you are, and now, on the soon to be happiest day of your life, you are
      afraid that your insecurities will get in the way of you opening wide and   In office dentist supervised treatments provide a much better result
      giving a great big smile.  It doesn’t have to.  We were lucky enough to   in a much quicker period of time.  The at home kits generally take 7-10
                                                                 days to see the full results. Dr. Bhor adds, “The dentist super-
                                                                 vised in office treatment typically whitens teeth 5-10 shades
                                                                 within 45 minutes. Our take-home kit contains a higher concentra-
                                                                 tion of whitening agent than the over the counter kits and ours
                                                                 are easier to use.  Our patients are always more satisfied with
                                                                 the outcome with our kits than with the store bought kits.”  So I
                                                                 asked Dr. Bhor if a bride or groom wants to have beautiful white
                                                                 teeth for their big day when should they come in for treatment?
                                                                 “Two weeks before would be fine.  They could come the week of
                                                                 the wedding if they would like. With all they have going on there is
                                                                 some flexibility since the whitening will last for quite some time.”
                                                                 What is entailed in the teeth whitening procedure.

                                                                 • Your mouth will be prepared by covering your lips and gums so
                                                                 that only your teeth are exposed
                                                                 • A professional-strength whitening gel will then be applied to your
                                                                 • A special light will be put on your teeth for 15 minutes to help
                                                                 the gel penetrate and whiten your teeth
                                                                 • The gel will then be reapplied to the teeth and light treatment is
                                                                 followed two more times
                                                                 Your total teeth whitening treatment time is 45 minutes.

                                                                 What About Veneers?
                                                                 More extensive cosmetic surgery such as Veneers require much
 30                                                              greater planning.
                                                                 A veneer is a thin shield of porcelain that is used to cover the
                                                                 front surface of the tooth. They are designed as a permanent way
                                                                 to enhance the look of stained, chipped, or broken teeth. Impres-
                                                                 sions are taken before, during, and in some cases after the final
                                                                 placement of the veneers. The impressions taken before your ve-
                                                                 neer appointment are used to make a stone replica of your teeth.
                                                                 The stone cast may be sent to the dental laboratory to assist the
                                                                 lab tech when fabricating the final veneers, or to create a wax-up,
                                                                 which is a replica of what the final veneers will look like. The
                                                                 wax-up may be used to create a temporary set of veneers that is
                                                                 worn during the time when the veneers are being made.

                                                                 “One of the more important steps is selecting the appropriate
                                                                 shade for your final veneers. When we select the shade we want to
                                                                 be sure it will match your skin tone and it is especially important if
                                                                 not all of your teeth are getting veneers.  The color will then have
                                                                 to match the shade of your existing teeth.”
                                                                 After all preparatory work is done it will take between 7-10 days
                                                                 for the final veneers to come back from the lab and ready for final
                                                                 fittings.  “After I look over them and make sure they are perfect
      have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Sasha Bhor DDS about some of   with no flaws or shading issues, we will then permanently adhere them.
      the top cosmetic procedures that she performs in her office, which are   We will then check for any biting issues and once all is perfect you are
      guaranteed to make you want to smile.                   done. You have a perfect smile for your big day and for many years to
      The top two procedures most requested, particularly for those about
      to say their I Do’s are Teeth Whitening and Dental Veneers.  So I   Since the process of getting veneers is a much longer and costlier
      decided to ask Dr. Bhor about these two procedures. “Teeth Whiten-  process, it is suggested that this should be done several months or
      ing is a very popular procedure, but many patients make the mistake of   more, before your wedding day.  Just remember, this is an investment
      believing that all teeth whitening is the same.  With all of the over the   in you that will not only make you more confident and willing to show the
      counter products guaranteeing to give you a bright white smile, few of   world your beautiful smile, but will last well past your wedding day.
      them come close to the whitening that you will receive in a dentist’s
      office.”                                                For more information on teeth whitening and veneers contact Dr. Sasha
                                                              Bhor, DDS at 11611 Rancho Bernardo Rd. , Suite 103  San Diego, CA
      Whitened teeth can stay that way anywhere from 4-12 months depend-  92127  858-592-9500.
      ing on the type of teeth whitening you have done.  What also plays a
      big part in how long your whitened teeth stay white are the foods that   See her advertisement on page 11 for specials for Brides, Grooms &
      you eat. Dr. Bhor explains, “Foods such as blueberries, coffee and tea   Wedding Parties.
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