Page 33 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
P. 33

The VieW from 33 years

                                                                                       By Robert Tussey
        Weddings are mystical things: It’s the joining of two people who very   I have stood best man more than once for a few of my friends and I
        much want a life together full of happiness and kids and friends and   tell them all the same thing – think with the big brain first. It goes for
        adventures and a house with a picket fence. Your fairy tale comes true.    all of us, men and women. Probably not politically correct to say that
        Of course the reality is nothing like the dream.  It is very hard work   but everyone knows what it means and everyone knows it’s the truth.
        and the struggle often ends (over half) in divorce. Sad, but true.  The common denominator in our journey is that no matter what comes,
                                                                good, bad, or worse, we stick together. We find a way to make it work
        Here’s the view from our 33 years of marriage. This is what it looks   and we don’t give up.
        like after this many years of struggle in careers, and friendships and –
        life. Lori and I are stronger than ever. But there is a price on arriv-  You have to know that it’s ok, even necessary, to have disagreements.
        ing here and saying that. We have had arguments, big disagreements,   They are building blocks and you get to use the tools of compromise
        money problems, and a great many successes. It’s how we got to this   and trust; this is what growth is all about in a marriage – turning adver-
        point that shows the strength of not just our love for one another, but   sity into advantage. But it takes practice, lots of it.
        our friendship.
                                                                My favorite advice is never go to bed mad. Reread that again and again
        Love and lust are the early drivers in relationships.  But they are not   until you get it. Solve the dispute. Make it right between you. Agree-
        enough to sustain a long-term relationship; it takes so much more and   ing to disagree only gets you through till morning when the bleary-eyed
        you need to know this stuff before you get close to deciding on mar-  coffee seeking self starts the rehash again and again and you avoid
        riage.                                                  each other until you get home from work and it begins again. It isn’t
        You must be                                                                                    healthy and you
        friends. You                                                                                   need to fix this.
        have to like
        them. You have                                                                                 I think the biggest
        to enjoy who                                                                                   asset in marriage
        they are and                                                                                   is friendship. Lori
        why they are                                                                                   and I are the best
        that person.                                                                                   of friends. And
        Don’t tear each                                                                                friendships are so
        other down –                                                                                   much stronger than
        build and sup-                                                                                 love alone. How
        port each other                                                                                often do we forgive
        with praise and                                                                                our friends and not
        support.                                                                                       our lovers? Build-
        History: Explore                                                                               ing a friendship is   San Diego  Woman
        it and embrace                                                                                 slow and it will test
        it. But remem-                                                                                 you both. But that
        ber - what was                                                                                 friendship is the
        done in the past                                                                               sustenance that
        IS in the past.                                                                                keeps the love alive  33
                                                                                                       and growing.
        When Lori and                                                                                   An article in this
        I first met and                                                                                issue talks about
        felt our attrac-                                                                               a checklist to use
        tion for one                                                                                   when in the process
        another, we had                                                                                of building a rela-
        that crushing                                                                                  tionship towards
        pressure in our                                                                                marriage. This
        chests that                                                                                    article should be
        said we couldn’t                                                                               printed and placed
        wait to see each                                                                               on every refrig-
        other. There is                                                                                erator in the world.
        no other feeling                                                                               And given to all
        like it. She soon had to make a trip to Oregon for two weeks, and I   young (and perhaps not so young) men and women starting on a journey
        remember wishing the trip was done and her back in my arms. Never   with another person. Read it and take heed. Perhaps this is the best
        forget what that feels like.                            advice to start on that road to a long and successful marriage.

        Communication is one of the building blocks of a strong relationship.   And the journey is worth it. We know each other like no other
        Without it, the coupling has no chance of survival. Love is another   person(s) in our lives.  But there is still discovery, a new thing we find
        building block. Without it… But, there are so many more of these   out about each other once in a while. It’s quite a thrill to be this far
        aspects in the basic structure that must be present. Mutual respect.   along and still be surprised by this person I have spent so much of my
        Compromise – it brings more strength than it takes away.  Having   life with.
        common goals and a plan to get there.  Commitment.
                                                                Love each other, like each other, and keep your goals in front of you.
        All of these (and more) are what it takes to get to 33 years and still   And as my Grandmother said, “Your wife comes first now. Don’t forget
        feel like it’s got more to give. You need time together and you need   it.”
        some alone time too: Very important stuff but often difficult to agree
        on. Girls night out and boy’s night out and date nights and weekend
        getaways are all necessities for success in this almost impossible thing
        called marriage.
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