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P. 37
A guide for family, friends and loved ones in prepar-
ing for the effects of the growing elder population …a
Public Service from “Those Who Care”
Use It or Lose It
As we age, we all know that not
everything in our body works as well
as it once did. For example, joints
begin to ache, we can't bend over as
far or as easily as when we were 10
years old, and it seems that adding
numbers in our head is more difficult
than when we were in high school.
We do slow down as we age, yet it
also appears that with the proper
stimulation and exercise, we can not
only keep our bodies acting years
younger than our chronological age,
but we can actually make our minds
sharper too.
It is clearly understood that if our
body and mind are not stimulated
regularly, they will atrophy. It was
also a long-held belief that as we age
our brain begins to lose cells, which
were not reproduced and replaced
- thus, the idea was that if we kept
losing brain cells our mental abilities
would also decline. However, the new
area in neurological research believes For example:
that "neurogenesis" (the creation and growth of new brain 37
cells) is more the norm, if, we continue to stimulate the brain in Have the care recipient develop a scrapbook for their old reci-
new and varied ways. pes.
The point here is that we must "use it or lose it." As caregiv- Takes trips to the zoo.
ers, you have a wonderful opportunity through daily contact
with an elderly loved one to provide this stimulation and help Go to a museum that the elderly person may have never seen, or
promote the growth of new brain cells. Using new and varied saw many years ago.
activities, neurogenesis may occur regularly, thus warding off
such illness/diseases as Alzheimer's or dementia. Exercising Take naps, as sleep allows new brain cell growth.
the brain can:
Go on picnics to different parks in your area.
Improve attention span.
Begin to learn a new language with the elder person.
Increase blood flow.
Expand on an existing hobby, or start a new hobby.
Strengthen brain synapses.
Promote neurogenesis. Involve the senior in many aspects of meal planning.
Reduce gray matter. The list is endless. If you were to engage in some new activ-
ity once per week, that might be enough to stimulate new brain
(The above five points were taken from the article, Elderly Par- cell growth and ward off some neurological illness. At the very
ents Brain Exercises - Mind Exercise Games for Seniors, found least, it would fun for both the care recipient and the care-
on giver. With new activities comes be fun and laughter - what a
great way to live.
The simple idea is to not just work cross-word puzzles or
similar games, but to move into a more varied activity schedule.