Page 39 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
P. 39
Daily Stress and
Seasonal Rhythm
By Toni Kraft
As I sit down to write this article about stress and eating habits I would be *Six tastes-Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Astringent, and Pungent
remiss if I did not speak of the foods that also comfort us, and by com- Example Breakfast: Oatmeal (made with salt in water) topped with Raisins,
fort I mean the types of foods/or and Almonds, serve with black tea
tastes that bring us to a sense of and orange juice;
satisfaction in our mind, body and Example Dinner: Penne
spirit. Pasta (cooked in salt) Marinara,
Steamed Garden Vegetables (in-
We all need a “little “stress in our clude legumes), Baguette served
lives to have our adrenalin kick in with Ghee glass of Red Wine
and get us motivated for change.
However, we all experience Good nutritional food is fuel to
stress differently. When we have our bodies. When undergoing
extreme, or prolonged stress in stress. Keep Mother Nature in
our daily lives our bodies actually the forefront as a guide, on what
do not digest our food or process is needed based on seasonal
information for our emotions. We rhythms. You just have to visit
are all in need of a little digital your local Farmers Market to see
detox, and we must slowdown what we should be consuming
in our lives, especially with our now for optimal health. This
eating habits. When experienc- guide also will balance your
ing time depravity we become off internal clock, seasonal and
balanced and this has proven to Circadian rhythms, allowing you
be very harmful .The sultry heat of to have restorative rest, and
the summer is a perfect reminder stay hydrated. All of these subtle
that we should slow down and eat and primordial needs will keep
with intention. Our fire of digestion you healthy and filled with good
burns brighter and urges us to eat energy not only thru the heat of San Diego Woman
more cooling foods that bring us summer but all thru the year.
balance, and with this balance,
we digest.
Even as you are nurturing
The old saying “You are what you yourself, you should also take 39
eat” must be taken a step further, the time to feed and nurture your
“YOU ARE WHAT YOU DIGEST. family and friends. When dining
True digestion is a threefold out make certain that you are
process, taking in Information, picking the best off the menu.
Emotion, AND Food. What is At home set your intentions on
not digested is stored, in our preparing the highest nutritional
physiology, sometimes for days, food for yourself, and others,
sometimes, weeks and will in relish in the moment, breath in
time cause an imbalance – that the aromas of the meal you are
imbalance will then in turn cause preparing, and whenever we can
DIS –EASE. think of those who may need a
night out, or those who can use
To give you’re a snapshot of what a home cooked meal, give with a
I mean when speaking of good gracious heart.
digestion, I suggest using BIT- or
Body Intelligence Techniques It is truly better to give, than
when it comes to a meal- Exam- to receive, food always tastes
ples would be; better when we share our lives,
You should Include All Six Tastes at every meal* be story tellers, as well as story-catchers, give from our own bounty. In this
Eat in a quiet, comfortable environment act alone you will feel the stress melt off of your body, so start now, this
Eat ONLY when you feel hungry summer, slow down, breathe, digest. For an added pleasant stress releas-
Do not eat when you are upset ing experience take off your shoes before you eat, feel your feet touch the
Always sit down when you eat earth and get grounded.
Reduce Ice Cold foods and beverages
Eat at comfortable pace, stay conscious of the process Come visit me at Café Merlot where we plant, grow, play every day. ~
Listen to your appetite; digest previous meal before starting the next one Relax, and let me do some of the cooking!
Eat freshly prepared foods. Lightly cooked are preferred to raw or over- Namaste,
cooked Toni Kraft
Favor fruits, vegetables, grains, warm milk, almonds
Sit quietly for a few minutes after finishing your meal. Focus your attention
on the sensation in your body, and then take a short walk.