Page 42 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
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But what is more important to Mindy is the fact that although Policy Director who stays current with what’s happening in their
NAWBO has a local footprint they also have a national voice. state and national laws, policies and directions. We encourage
As Mindy added, “There are ten chapters in California and members to attend the annual Propel your Business Confer-
hundreds across America and internationally. We have an ence, sponsored by NAWBO, held in Sacramento, April 24-26,
advocacy element —NAWBO is celebrating its 40th anniversary 2016. While there, we hear from state and national legislators
this year, having been founded in Washington, 1975 when and visit their offices to share any concerns, ideas that have
a block of women business owners formed to create their vot- bubbled up from our membership.”
ing voice. What was also very important to me is the amount of
learning, educating, building, and supporting that the organiza- In closing I asked Mindy what she has gained from being a
tion provides. We support and celebrate one another’s success. member of NAWBO over the last 5 years.
I always leave a NAWBO event smarter than when I walked in. “I’ve gained a sisterhood of women I know, trust and love. I
I am always richer in relationship and often, business, thanks to have their back and I know, without doubt, that they have
my NAWBO investment. We do business with one another. We mine. I’ve been blessed with rich conversations, challenges to
are the San Diego County representation of 1.1 million women my status quo, laughter when I needed it most and terrific new
business owners in California alone!” business alliances. NAWBO attracts good women and it’s my
honor to lead them as president.”
Most women don’t realize that unlike most of the other women’s
organizations, NAWBO has a strong voice for women that other
women’s groups don’t have. “Each NAWBO chapter has a Public
A Special Corner of the
San Marcos Library
By Gerald M. Neff
There is a special corner of the literary world and you will find it price is to move the reading material as quickly as possible due to
in San Marcos: The Friends of the San Marcos Library. This is the the limited area.
name of the donation bookstore in the San Marcos Library in the
42 town of the same name. The children's corner is particularly well stocked and a pleasant
mixture of books for all ages, from toddlers to teens and often in-
This library is sponsored and maintained by the San Marcos Govern- cludes CD's and Pop-Up kiddie selections. Books are from the 1990's
ing Council, overseen by the Mayor and his staff. It is maintained to the present day with the price tag of 0.25 to $1.00 each. This
by local funds and donations. Other libraries, such as Poway and corner is much frequented and there is a big turn over, so check this
Escondido, are on a different system and are part of the San Diego area often. The CD collection is a movable feast of oldies, big band
Library group and are maintained by State funds and private dona- favorites (from those attics and garage selections), to many hip hop
tions, and some twenty-three libraries in all. Whatever the fund- groups and modern music way beyond my recognition.
ing they all have a used or donated bookstore section and is run by
volunteers. For more inquires call The San Marcos Library at (760) 796-4877.
In the case of San Marcos, there is a chairman and vice-chairman You can ask for details or just drop off your books and CD’s at the
along with some 28-35 volunteers who serve 1-3 times weekly. These library on Civic Center Drive; and while you are at the library take a
fine folks are mostly local community minded woman of over 55 years pleasant stroll through their well-organized corner and pick up a few
of age. This group coordinates the donations, book arrangements and items.
sales in their attractive corner of the library.
Michael Glen, the present chairman of “The Friends of San Marcos” It is a noble effort and service performed by cheerful
is 15 months into his tenure and has brought innovative new ideas volunteers and a wonderful addition to our San Diego ambiance.
and special sales to the store, including antique books, special edi-
tions, and illustrated coffee table books. Accompanying him is vice- Happy Reading!!!
chairwoman Gayle Sisemore, who after 35 years in the Boston City
Library system and has brought her vast experience along with the
Dewey Decimal System for organizing the books. Their staff of vol-
unteer women and several men are all in their golden years and share
a love for reading, book collecting and general lust for knowledge
and the willingness to share with all throughout the bookstore.
Because San Marcos is an up-scale community, the books and other
donations are recent and quite prolific. The folks of San Marcos
read well. I often find books just donated that are still on the best
seller lists and ready for a second purchase before the regular
library has even ordered them, let alone received a copy. This is
great! Recent books of one year or less are tagged at four dollars.
Last year's books are only three dollars, and anything before that
are two dollars a copy or less. The donations are so numerous that
many of the 1980-2000 books are priced for quick sale at 2/$1.00
and many for $0.25 on the special quick sale carts. This bargain