Page 12 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 12
ALIFORNIA BALLET'S “With our new leadership,
Cglittering production of comes a renewed focus and
The Nutcracker isn’t all that energy to drive the company
is new at California Ballet— to new heights and places. A
and we at couldn't be more reimaging and reinvigoration has
inspired! begun, and we invite you to join
us in this new era of California
“When California Ballet’s new Ballet. It is only through the
leadership team asked me to generous giving of individuals,
join them in their quest to move foundations, and corporations
the company into a new day, I that what we do on the stage is
said yes! California Ballet has possible. Please join our family
enjoyed a rich 50-year history as and support of our mission
an industry leader; being a part to provide high-quality ballet
of a mega-watt team engineering performances and education
fresh and innovative plans programs for the people of
for growth and expansion for Southern California.
California Ballet's future is truly We have big dreams for this
exciting." company. Exciting things are
—Bettie Youngs, Ph.D., Ed.D. Christopher Wixom MD, Jared Nelson, Bettie B. Youngs, Michael Andrew Currey happening. I invite you to be a
part of it.”
Dr. Bettie Youngs brings a —Michael Andrew Currey,
wealth of Board leadership CALIFORNIA BALLET’S Executive Director
to California Ballet and will
assist the Board’s direction and Bringing a wealth of talent
development and assist the NEW LEADERSHIP TEAM and expertise is Bill Beyer,
leadership team in financial, formerly on the Board of
tactical, and strategic planning. Directors at the Washington,
— Jared Nelson DC Ballet, and now named as
Artistic Director California Ballet Vice President on California
Ballet’s Board of Trustees.
In January 2018 Michael Christopher Wixom, MD
Andrew Currey was appointed has been named Chairman
Executive Director of California of the Advisory Council and
Ballet. Michael served in lead- has assembled an impressive
ership roles at The Joffrey Ballet team of thought-leaders and
and New York City Opera and power-players throughout
was General Manager at Ballet Southern California bringing
West in Salt Lake City, where he energy and creative ideas
was nstrumental in fundraising toward the ongoing growth
efforts for that company’s $3 of the California Ballet.
million campaign to produce Bringing an electrify-
a new Nutcracker. Mr. Currey ing talent in his June 2018
also oversaw the design and appointment as Artistic
construction of the $32 million Director is Jared Nelson. Mr.
Ballet Centre in downtown Salt Nelson was trained in many
Lake City. In an over 30-year ca- forms of dance and began
reer in theatre, Currey served in dancing professionally at the
leadership roles at The Joffrey age of 14 with the Sacramen-
Ballet, New York City Opera, to Music Circus. He became
Chicago Children’s Theatre, and an apprentice with the Sacra-
others. A San Diego native, Mi- mento Ballet that same year
chael was on the staffs of San and soon became a principal
Diego Opera and San Diego dancer with more than a
Civic Light Opera (Starlight) dozen original works choreo-
before moving east to further graphed for him by director
his career. Photo Courtesy of California Ballet Ron Cunningham.