Page 14 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 14

Women of Distinction

                                      SheSheds for Guinea Pigs

                                                                  By Carol Heath

                                   has been a model, a pro-   it is with a microphone,    six months. Even though
                                   ducer, a PR Sales Agent and   arranging the right look for   this show has the availabil-
                                   Social Media Strategist, a   a modeling shoot, or talking  ity of high tech equipment
                                   pioneering petite fashion   to clients. You name it, if a   and all the bells and whis-
                                   model in the American      spot opens Sulavon fills it,   tles that go along with pro-
                                   market, just to name a few.   most of the time without   ducing a tv program, Sula-
                                   Oh, and she held the 2017   even being asked.          von’s SheShed is different. It
                                   title of Miss Fashion Week     Comfortable wearing     keeps to the “low budget” or
                                   Petite, LA.                many hats, Sulavon’s latest   “indie vibe” shooting with
                                       Sulavon is comfort-    venue is hosting her own    HD webcam and DSL cam-
              HEN I ASKED          able in just about any role   TV show called Sulavon’s   eras and sometimes even a
        WSulavon Bollinger         when it comes to modeling,   SheShed, I know, I love the   Samsung 8 cell phone.
        what she would like peo-   interviewing, filming, and   title too. It is on WBTVN    There is definitely a
        ple to know about her the   when she sees something   and she has been building   method to what some say is
        answer she gave was almost   needs to be done she is the   the show from scratch,   Sulavon’s madness. She feels
        verbatim what I would have   first person to do it rather   piece by piece for the last   the demographics of her au-
        said about this little fire-
        cracker. In her own words,
        “I’m kind of a fusion of an
        old-soul and a childlike
        spirit.” She acquaints her
        ability to be able to deal
        with all the life adversities
        she has overcome to that
        old-soul that lives inside
        her. Sulavon also has the
        ability to see things with a
        childlike spirit. You may see
        a rusty old bicycle, Sulavon
        looks past the rust and sees
        a shiny bicycle that looks
        new with some TLC.
           I referred to Sulavon
        as a firecracker, but she
        is also a little dynamo as
        multi-tasking is something
        she has always done. She

                                                                                         Photos courtesy of Sulavon Bollinger
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