Page 16 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 16

Women of Distinction

                                        Introducing Ms. Katie O

                                         and her talking ingredients

                                                                   By Carol Heath

                                                               Photos courtesy of Katie O’Reilly

                                   Chicago caterers, Kenmare   men on the easy and quick   that’s my idea.” Another
                                   Catering and Events. She   ways they can prepare a     thoughtful, unexpected
                                   also has the impressive title  meal for their families even   response.
                                   of Culinary Designer, plans  after working your 8 hours   The soups will be en-
                                   and designs all the menus,   and commuting home. No    closed in glass jars to ensure
                                   for some pretty well-known  more stopping at the super-  the perfect taste and then
                                   clients like US Presidents,   market picking up some-  packed and shipped to your
              HAT MAKES YOU        celebrities, major corpora-  thing quick from the frozen   front door. The cost will be
        Wa Culinary Artist         tions, and even some well-  food section, or more likely   $7.00 plus shipping, less
        Katie? “Ingredients speak to   known “foodies,” to name   a selection from the array   than a Big Mac, fries and
        me.” What a simple answer   a few.                    of fast food choices. Katie   medium drink, and much
        to what I thought was a       Katie O, as she is known  wants to show you with    healthier. You will be able to
        pretty insightful question. I   by most of her clients and   healthy choices you can   order one jar or a case, but
        expected Katie O’Reilly to   viewers….. Oh did I forget   make dinner for your family  each jar will be hand packed
        say something like the train-  to mention she also has   in 20 minutes. A meal you   and lovingly made by Katie
        ing she received in France   a television show which   will be proud of and a meal   and her staff. Visit Katie’s
        and Italy coupled with her   airs every Wednesday at   your family will enjoy, and   website for selections and
        degree in art makes her a   7:00pm CST, on  Women     it’s healthy. A trifecta, you   further information.
        force to be reckoned with on  on TV called Katie O’s Food  can’t beat that!          Katie has a cookbook, if
        all fronts. Instead, she hits   Carnival? You can also view   In just 2 short years   you are more adventurous,
        me with talking ingredients,   past shows and learn tons   Katie has created her own   full of healthy, tasty recipes.
        who knew ingredients could  of stuff about those talking   little business empire, but   Katie O’s Cookbook Creat-
        talk. Apparently the 40,000   ingredients. Personally, I ap-  it isn’t so little. She is about   ing Fun Food in the Kitch-
        guests she feeds each year   preciated the fact that Katie   to launch a line of soups,   en is available on Amazon
        know about these talking   devoted 2 shows on glu-    created and lovingly made   and on Katie’s website. If
        ingredients, but I didn’t.  ten-free food choices. Most   by Katie with the help of her  you would like a person-
           Katie received her      gluten-free recipes taste like   staff, These soups are made   ally autographed copy for
        training in a tougher school  cardboard or have no taste   with fresh vegetables and   yourself or a friend, Katie
        than any French or Italian   at all, but not Ms. Katie’s   those talking ingredients   will be glad to autograph it
        Culinary Institute. She    recipes, they are delicious.   and are gluten-free (thank   for you, and she will even
        cooks for 4 hungry kids    You might ask and how do   you Katie), vegan-friend-   add a personal note, all that
        and a husband, all voicing   you know this statement   ly and strained smooth. I   for just $24.99. There is one
        their opinions over the    to be true? Because I’ve   asked Katie why she spent   small detail though, you
        years, and yet, they are   watched the shows and tried  extra time making sure    have to order the book on
        most probably her biggest   the recipes that’s how. Okay,   the soup was strained and   Katie’s website for that extra
        fans. At home she is Mom,   my meals weren’t as pretty   smooth. “A lot of people my   added autograph copy.
        but in the business world,   when they hit the plate, but   age are getting chemo, and   Katie O’, Culinary Artist
        she started two years ago   my art is words.          you don‘t have an appetite,   Extraordinaire, business
        Katie is co-owner and         Katie’s mission as I call   but you have to eat some-  owner, food designer, menu
        president of the High-End   it, is to educate women and   thing. Soup over flowers,   planner, product designer,

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