Page 53 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 53

s I was growing up, I spent a ton of time  mother was no longer around to indulge me.
                                      Aat my grandmother’s house who lived    I tried not to pout, but I was feeling a bit sad.
                                      about 20 miles from us. We were in the as   After the rush of package opening was
        which meant taking him        yet unincorporated area of Lakewood, and   passed as I sat amid the pile of wrapping
        out of his car seat and his   she lived in Long Beach. Many of today’s   paper and ribbons, my mother asked if I’d
        seat belt. And that stop also   freeways had not been built, so it took some   opened my stocking gift. Santa always left
        seemed to take forever. My    time to get there. And as a kid, it seemed to   us a tiny gift in our stockings. I shrugged and
        son took the opportunity to   take forever.                           kinda crawled over to the stockings, took
                                         I loved her a lot and always enjoyed our
                                                                              mine down and reached inside. I found the
        call the hospital, but they   visits, so the time to get there was well worth   tiny package amidst the candy and nuts and
        weren’t able to give him      it. And I think I may have been here favorite   opened it sort of indifferently. Inside, I found
        much information apart        grandkid – altho that is another story – but   a jewelry box which I opened without even
        from saying that his wife     she bought me most of my clothes while I   a clue, but inside of that was my class ring. I
        was in intensive care.        was growing up. I especially remember her   was speechless.
           The 5-hour drive           buying me coats. We’d often go shopping
        seemed like 10, but eventu-   together “downtown.” She didn’t drive, so
        ally, we got to the hospital.   we’d walk to the bus. Wait. And then ride it to
        My son jumped out of the      our destination.
        car leaving us to park his       She was a great shopper. We’d go to
        and ours and ran inside.      many stores, but Buffums was her favorite, I
        He knew the hospital fairly   think. In those days, we had Broadway and
                                      Bullocks and many others to choose from.
        well as his daughter was      And after our shopping sprees, we’d head to
        born there. It took us a      Woolworths where we’d sit at the counter,
        while to find him as we       and I’d play with the countertop jukeboxes. It
        were directed to my grand-    was a fun time.
        daughter’s room. The nurs-       And Christmas was a great time, but my
        es said she was fine. She     presents from her were always practical. I’d
        had a bit of a bruise from    shake the boxes and pretend like I didn’t
        the seat belt, but nothing    know what was in them, but they always
        more.                         contained the same thing – clothes. I liked
           Meanwhile, my son had      the clothes, but once in a while, I would have
        found his wife and came       enjoyed something fanciful or playful.
                                          She passed when I was 14, and the next
        back to get us. The doc-      later. We had a big family and money for extras  A Stocking
                                      coat I owned was one I bought for myself years
        tors had put her in ICU as
        a precautionary measure       was tight, so my wardrobe funds were few and
        given the violence of the     barely covered needs let alone wants.            Stuffer
        accident, but were going          One of the fads in my high school years
        to transfer her to a regular   were hooded sweaters – the forerunner of
        room and probably keep        today’s hoodie except they were knitted, i.e.   By Sharon Hightower
        her the night just to be on   legitimate sweaters not sweatshirts. I’m sure
        the safe side. I think they   my grandmother would have indulged me,    And the more I thought about it, the
        found it hard to believe that   but my mother was adamant that I didn’t   more I could hardly believe it. I kept thinking
        she’d not suffered any inju-  need the hood, so she got me a simple   of all that it took for my mom to get this ring.
        ries that they could find.    cardigan.                               She would have had to go to my high school,
                                          And she broke my heart when she
           The car was totaled for    refused to let me order my class ring. I think   wait in a huge line, and somehow come back
                                                                              weeks later to pick it up – all without me
        all intent and purpose, but   I was a junior, but in any event, it was time.   seeing her.
        the three passengers suf-     I was going to graduate soon, and I wanted    My folks were fond of saying that good
        fered only minor bruising     my class ring more than anything, but she   things often come in small packages and this
        – even the one who wasn’t     stuck to her guns. We couldn’t afford it. It   time that was certainly true. My Dad liked
        wearing her seatbelt. It was  was an unnecessary luxury. And I should quit   to add that it was the thought that counted
        days before Christmas, but    going on about it.                      thus excusing his mom for always buying me
        we all knew that we’d been        And Christmas came, and we’d opened   practical clothes. But this time I knew how
        given our best present early.  all our gifts, and I couldn’t help but notice   much thought had gone into this surprise,
                                      how skimpy my pile was now that my grand-  and it was delightful.

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