Page 55 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 55

Pearls of Wisdom

          during the day. You’ll find   already, while fares are   The relatively new field   Your Five Keys to Radiate
          your energy soar and your   still reasonable and seats   of chronobiology is validat-  Bliss This Holiday Season
          tastes spontaneously shift   available.             ing many of these ancient      Keep warm in your heart
          towards healthier choices.  •                       Ayurvedic ideas about opti-  and cool in your emotions
        •  For an extra im-        Tip #4: Follow a Routine in   mal timing for daily activities   this holiday season with these
          mune-boosting “kick” to   Tune with Your Biorhythms   through modern research and   simple tips:
          your digestive fire, drop a   Keeping to a regular daily   studies. See San Diego Wom-  •  Maintain your balance with
          slice of fresh, peeled ginger  routine during the hustle and   an, September 2018 for more   wholesome, regular, warm-
          root into the thermos,   bustle of the holiday season   details on the healing effects   cooked meals.
          and drink this “ginger tea”   can help you feel grounded,   of “going with Nature’s flow.”  •  Drink hot water to increase
          throughout the day.      rested and resilient – just how                          your energy and immunity.
        •  Add a few green carda-  you want to feel to enjoy the   Tip #5: Practice meditation   •  Plan ahead—it’s never too
          mom pods, a sprig of     special events and festivities   or other stress-relieving   late!
          fresh organic mint, and a   you have planned.       practices daily.            •  Follow a healthy routine in
          pinch of coriander seeds    As Ayurveda described      The holidays are a great   tune with your biorhythms.
          (for detoxing). This combo   5,000 years ago, our body has   time to up your practice. My   •  Practice meditation and
          gives you a refreshing,   specific rhythms, and certain   patients often tell me that   yoga regularly.
          stress-relieving alterna-  times of day are better for   they get more than twice the
          tive to the congesting,   various activities. Here are the   benefit when they meditate
          immune-busting, highly   three most important rec-  for 20 minutes twice versus
          caloric nogs and grogs that  ommendations for your daily   once a day.
          abound this time of year.   routine:                   Another reason to do your
                                    •  Take your main meal at   meditation and yoga regularly
        Tip #3: Plan Ahead—It’s       noon.                   during the holidays (rather
        Never Too Late!             •  Go to bed by 10:00 p.m.  than reaching for the alcohol,)
           Here’s my favorite! It   •  Exercise during the hours   is that cardiac and non-cardiac
        sounds so simple, but not for   of 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. and   death increases at Christmas
        those feeling time challenged.  p.m.                  and New Year’s. One theory
           Plan ahead. It’s December                          points to stress hormones,
        already, but it’s never too late   Here’s a holiday bonus to   coupled with overconsump-
        to plan.                   keep your weight in check:    tion of alcohol and foods that
           If you haven’t already,   Eating your main meal in the   can suppress the body’s detox
        make a list and pace yourself   middle of the day has been   enzymes---i.e., more stress
        so you can have the energy   shown by modern research to   hormones, plus less ability to
        for all you need to get done.   support weight loss. A study   eliminate them, is the perfect
        Last-minute, stressful shop-  of 420 subjects, published in   storm for sudden heart attack
        ping, packing, and preparing   the International Journal of   death, the “Holiday Heart
        late into the night also weak-  Obesity, showed that those   Syndrome” among others.    Holidays are such wonder-
        ens immunity and can put you  eating the majority of their   Transcendental Meditation  ful times to spend with loved
        at risk of cold or flu.    calories before 3:00 p.m. had   has been shown to be very   ones. The best gift we can give
           There’s still time!     more and quicker weight loss   effective at countering the   those we love is ourselves—
        •  Order or make a note in   than those consuming the   effects of stress on the heart,   blissful, radiant, healthy, and
          your calendar when to    majority of their calories after   which is one of the stress-re-  loving.
          order the special foods you   3:00 p.m.             duction practice endorsed by   Here’s wishing you and
          want this year.             Research also shows that   the American Heart Associa-  your loved ones the happiest,
        •  Make sure your favor-   going to sleep by 10 PM, and   tion.  While the holidays can   healthiest, and most magical
          ite holiday wardrobe is   exercising in the early morn-  be extra busy, don’t skimp   of holidays yet!
          ready—freshly cleaned,   ing or early evening is most   on your meditation and yoga
          intact, or new ones or-  beneficial. When we eat, sleep,  practice.  To bolster your heart   References
          dered in time to alter or   and exercise at the “right   and immunity this season, be   1. Hillard JR, Holland
          exchange.                time” that matches our body’s   gentle on the alcohol, take   JM, Ramm D. Christmas and
        •  Purchase or make any    natural biorhythm, we feel our  things in stride and double   psychopathology. Data from a
          gifts early.             best and naturally dissolve   down on the daily health   psychiatric emergency room
        •  Make your travel reserva-  stress and support our body’s   practices that keep you feel-  population. Arch Gen Psychia-
          tions now, if you haven’t   healing on a daily basis.  ing your best.           try. 1981 Dec;38(12):1377-81

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