Page 56 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 56
Green Dragon Nursery
By Maggie Ramos
Roaming around in my automo- tropical, fine fruit. In the midst of his With intrigue and patience, Mr.
bile, I found a surprise little bit of par- research, Mr. Nguyen learned that Nguyen waited while caring for and
adise, located in the North end of San Dragon Fruit is a healthy fruit to en- treating his plantings with lots of
Diego County. I was mesmerized by joy. According to him, he also learned respect and admiration. His hard work
the great dragon fruit I saw there, not that the fruit is very beneficial for our and perseverance paid off. Before he
an easy find in the area. I've also had health. knew it, Henry was harvesting the best
the opportunity to meet Mr. Henry In the beginning, when he first of the best Dragon Fruit. I can share
Nguyen in this small paradise; you will began to grow Dragon Fruit plants; he how beautiful his plants look all lined
learn about thought he had researched enough to up and nice, big, vibrant, pink pieces. I
I found Mr. Henry Nguyen at start planting and growing the fruit. have to admit he shared some dragon
Green Dragon Nursery. Mr. Nguyen To his surprise, after taking care of fruit with me to sample and it was de-
spends many hours of the day out his plantings for three years; Nguyen licious, and the best part about it was
and about in this small earth sector. learned that he would never harvest a that it had just been freshly harvested.
"Many years ago Dragon Fruit caught crop. This experience was such a privilege.
my attention. I researched a lot about He spent his time and energy Because I do love to share when I find
it. I was under the impression that planting dragon fruit plants that something exciting.
this fruit originated in Thailand but would never produce fruit. He hadn't You can stroll around and find
soon learned it actually comes from realized there were several types of these Dragon Fruit jewels at Green
Central South America; in Mexico Dragon Fruit cactus plants; includ- Dragon Nursery for cuttings and
and expanded to other countries, ing the nonproduction type. Once he plants. Fruit is harvested from August
Nguyen expresses". According to learned from a friend he had planted to December.
Mr. Nguyen, he decided to focus the wrong kind, he decided to tear For More Information call.
on growing the best of the exotic, them out and start again from scratch. (760)820-2828
Photos By Maggie Ramos