Page 30 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
P. 30

Transitions with Carol LeBeau

                                           Spring may be in   1. Chili powder This spicy powder contains capsinoids, which
                                           the air, but summer   burn belly fat.  When volunteers in a 2009 study popped 6 g of
                                           is just around the   capsinoid oil a day, they lost five times as much fat as those who
                                           corner…and that   did not.
                                           means swimsuit    2. Grapefruit When volunteers ate half a grapefruit before every
                                           season is upon    meal in a University of Arizona study, they shaved an inch off their
                                           us.  (At my age, it’s   waists, thanks to naringenin, which experts say may help burn fat.
                                           actually become   3. Nonfat ricotta: Muscle loss as you age can tank your metabo-
                                           more like capris   lism.  Made from whey protein, ricotta can enhance muscle build-
                                           and t-shirt season!)    ing and metabolism.
                                           But whatever stage   4. Bell peppers Vitamin C is an unsung weight loss weapon, and
                                           of undress you    one bell pepper provides twice your daily dose.
                                           plan to display this   5. Romaine lettuce Filling up with a leafy green can trim the overall
                                           summer, now’s the   number of calories you eat by 10%; two cups of romaine rack up
                                           time to start paring   half your daily fill of Vitamin A, plus 11.3% of bone-building Vitamin
                                           down and tighten-  K.
                                           ing up.           6. Nuts Their satisfying trifecta of  protein, healthy fat and fiber
                                                             can help you slim down.  To slow your intake, choose nuts in their
                                           Exercise is a great   shells.
                                           start, but eat-   7. Melon Satisfy your sweet tooth by spooning a thick slice from
                                           ing right can get   the rind for just 45 calories.
                                           you to your goal   8. Canned salmon Protein requires more calories to digest and
                                           weight faster than   keeps you feeling full.  With nearly 17 g of it per three ounces,
                                           anything.         salmon makes getting your fill of protein a breeze.  (If, like me,
                                                             you just can’t do canned salmon…go for a small can of nice, light,
                                           Like you, I hate,   white albacore tuna!)
     HATE dieting, but love little nutrition “tricks” that help maintain my   9. Edamame Packed with an intelligent combo of protein, healthy
     weight without embarking on some cumbersome, complicated diet   fat and fiber…these pods are guaranteed to keep you full and
     “program.”                                              satisfied for hours.
 30                                                          10. Dark chocolate (yes!) chips These flavor bombs put the
     Fortunately, some foods can actually help you fight fat!  I’ve been   brakes on a craving.  The little pieces fool you into thinking you’re
     “sneaking” some of these slimming superfoods into my diet lately   getting more, helping you eat less, finds new research.
     and already last year’s capri’s are feeling a little looser!     So, fire up for swimsuit season by filling up on these fun, fat-fight-
                                                             ing foods.
     Perhaps these fat-fighting foods can help you look your best… no   See you at the beach!
     matter what you plan to wear this summer!

                          wEAR yOUR fAITH.







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