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Top Women in Real Estate

        hundreds of agents and talked to   online reviews and search engine   approached by agents who wanted   to take it and help them grow as
        them every day.”           placement and then spice it all up   more services, but my hands were   much as they want to grow.”
           Today, Erica uses her com-  with quarterly ‘wow’ pieces. It’s a   tied. I created Sparkling Market-  Sparkling Marketing, Inc.,
        bined experience in real estate and   comprehensive marketing system   ing because I knew there was a   a full-service marketing agency
        home loans to deliver unparalleled   that starts with a strategy.”  strong demand and that I had the   located in San Diego County, does
        service to a niche market. She is   For entrepreneurs, it often   experience to deliver the results   branding, websites, social media,
        passionate and utterly committed   becomes difficult to both do your   clients want.”  print and digital marketing. Most
        to high quality work. Everything   job, and properly promote your   Erica loves helping her clients   importantly, they pull all of the
        created by Sparkling Marketing,   business. This is where Erica   create marketing systems that   pieces together into a comprehen-
        Inc. is both beautiful and effective.  comes in. It is easy enough to   are sustainable and give them an   sive system with clear goals and
           One characteristic of our   find Marketing or PR firms to   independent source of business,   direction.
        “Top Women in Real Estate” is   help advertise your business, but   no matter where they hang their   “We help clients reach goals
        how much they care about what   finding a firm that is both great at   license. Erica and her team help   that they couldn't achieve on
        they are doing and how much   marketing, and also understands   clients build their own brand and   their own. We take a proactive
        they want to help people attain                                                   approach, focusing on building a
        their dreams. With the pressure of                                                good foundation, not just buying
        meeting the needs of their clients,                                               random ads each month and
        real estate agents should not even                                                spending money. We also make
        think about attempting to handle                                                  sure that everything we do is DRE
        the complex area of marketing                                                     compliant, and in line with their
        their business, especially when                                                   specific brokerage’s marketing
        they can turn this task over to                                                   requirements, taking that burden
        Erica Vautier and her incredible                                                  off our clients.”
        company Sparkling Marketing,                                                         Erica adds, “How an agent
        Inc.                                                                              represents themselves to their
           “I have a lot respect for Real-                                                clients is critical in such a com-
        tors and Loan Originators. They                                                   petitive field. This is a relationship
        don’t always get the credit they                                                  business. Agents and loan officers
        deserve. The people that I work                                                   must face the fact that they are
        with are professional. They are                                                   all selling the same houses, in the
        hardworking. They're investing in                                                 same neighborhoods with the
        themselves. They have business                                                    same rates and the same loans.
        plans and coaches and are smart                                                   I have to make my clients stand
        professionals. There are some                                                Photos courtesy of Erica Vautier  out by finding what makes them
        really smart people working in the                                                sparkle, what makes them unique
        San Diego Real Estate market.”                                                    and putting that right in front of
           Erica runs a unique business.                                                  the consumer in a way that they
        Sparkling Marketing, Inc. is one                                                  can understand and see the value
        of just a few real estate marketing                                               that it brings to them.”
        companies that offers end-to-end                                                     For more information, and to
        services. Their team includes   the nuances of the Real Estate   their own pipelines for business   give your business the Sparkle it’s
        experts in brand strategy, creative   market makes all the difference.   with streamlined systems for   been missing, contact Erica at:
        direction, digital marketing, video   Erica recognized there was a void   follow up that keep them on track
        marketing, graphic, design, web   in the marketplace for full-service   and makes them more successful.   ERICA VAUTIER
        development and photography.  real estate marketing and created   Erica also loves the freedom   SPARKLING MARKETING, INC.
           “Our marketing philosophy   Sparkling Marketing, Inc. to give   that owning her own business   858.254.7164
        is centered around quality and   Realtors and Loan Originators a   allows. "No one can come between   Sparkling.Marketing
        personalized campaigns. We get   one-stop-shop to effectively grow   me and my clients and our success,   Erica@Sparkling.Marketing
        to know our clients and discover   their business.     we can take it as far as we want
        what makes them sparkle. We    “I loved working for Wind-
        build brands, showcase our clients   ermere and Samuel Scott. The
        uniqueness online, engage people   challenge was that I could only   Website:
        through thoughtful social media,   work with real estate professionals   Email:
        create compelling value ads to in-  who joined our company or were   Book Appointment:
        crease digital signups, consistently   sending us business. I knew that   LinkedIn:
        follow up with contacts through   what I was doing was needed on   Instagram:
        email campaigns, strengthen   a wider scale. I was constantly   Facebook:

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