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Women of Distinction

            rista Clive-Smith was only four when                                     Krista was brave enough to realize what
            she knew what she wanted to do with                                   she was doing before committing more to
       Kher life.  Her Mom had taken her to an                                    the franchise model she realized was wrong
        ice show in her hometown of Kamloops,                                     for her. “I just put down the paper, slid it
        British Colombia, when Karen Magnuson,                                    across the table and said I'm out.”
        Canadian Olympic silver medalist skated out                                  While Krista had been busy building
        onto the ice and struck her pose. “I had nev-                             her organizing company, she had kept in
        er seen skating before, but in that instant, I                            mind the other two comments made by her
        said to my Mom, I want to do that!" For the                               teachers and decided that she would also
        next 19 years, that is precisely what she did.                            develop her writing and speaking skills.
           Krista had several nationals under her                                 "When I worked for the hockey team, I used
        belt, and her skating career was going                                    to write the scripts for the on-air announc-
        well when a serious injury brought it to a                                er. One night the announcer got sick, and
        crashing halt, "As I was sort of peaking in my                            my boss handed me a microphone, and
        career, I had a career ending injury, I tore my                           said, 'There are 6,000 people out there, so
        hip flexor. Instantly in that one moment, I                               you're either going to sink, or swim. And
        felt like I had lost everything, because I real-                          off I went with the microphone. When I
        ly had identified with skating as part of who                             got out there, it was like I came to life. And
        I was and part of my personal identity.”                                  so, the poor guy who was the announcer
           Living through this process spurred                                    never actually got his job back, because
        an interest in Krista to go on to be a sports                             that became part of what I would do for
        psychologist. Unfortunately, at that time,                                the hockey team. Thirty-six nights a year, I
        there were no college programs for this ca-                               would be engaging from the stage with the
        reer choice.  She wrote professionals in the   Krista                     6,000 people.”
        field and received vague responses.  So not                                  While trying to discover who she was,
        knowing what to do, she decided to take a                                 Krista had utilized the other skill set and
        job as a travel agent, because she felt that                              wrote a book.  The book was entitled Get
        no matter what she chose to do in life she   Clive-Smith                  Noticed, Be Remembered  “I had launched
        would want to travel.                                                     my book in Canada, but what I realized very
           Being a Canadian, two things were con-                                 quickly is that personal branding in those
        sidered the fabric of the country, so Krista   NAVIGATING THE             days wasn't a topic anyone wanted to talk
        decided to take on both. "The two things                                  about because social media hadn't been
        that many Canadians view as part of the cul-  ROAD TO HAPPINESS           invented yet. At that point, the idea of be-
        ture are beer and hockey. So, the next job I                              ing a personal brand was just too foreign to
        acquired was working for Molson Breweries   By Judith A. Habert           people. I sold the first 2000 copies and then
        in merchandising and marketing, and then                                  shelved it and thought, you know what?
        went on to become the marketing director                                  When the world catches up then someday,
        for a major junior hockey team in Canada. At                              I'll rerelease it."
        the time, I was one of only three women in   This exercise led Krista to start an   After her experiences with the book, it
        the entire Canadian hockey league.  I think   organizing company.  She started it as a solo   was time for Krista to once again take a look
        that for me was one of those first instances   entrepreneur, but soon grew it to include   at her life and figure out what things in her
        where I really began to connect with the   franchises in Vancouver, Calgary, and Toron-  life were working and what things weren’t.
        inequality of women in the workplace and   to with 36 employees. "It was a wonderful   “I had a vision that my life would be split
        what that looked like.”              experience growing the brand, the systems,   living somewhere warm half the year, be-
           Krista moved and found it was time to   and the infrastructure that was required   cause although I loved living in Vancouver,
        figure out what she really wanted to do with   with franchising. But at the end of the day, I   the Canadian winters were not my thing.
        her life.  She took a very unique approach,   was sitting at the table with the term sheet   Krista had a speaking engagement
        "I started to hone in on my entrepreneurial   in front of me before the investors that   in Palm Springs and decided to rent a
        side, because I knew it had been brewing   were going to handle our North American   convertible.  She planned to go as far
        for years, but at the time had no clue which   expansion. I suddenly had one of those Jer-  south in the US as she could to San Diego
        direction to take.  So, I sat down and went   ry Maguire moments in that I realized that   and then drive north along the coast of
        through my report cards from when I was a   brick by brick, I had built a prison that I was   California. “This was in 2008 that I got into
        little kid, starting from kindergarten all the   living in.  I just had built this life that wasn't   that convertible to explore my options. I
        way through to grade 12. I took a pencil,   for me because if someone had said, what   thought that I would just see what speaks
        and I underlined the words that were the   business do you want to be in I would have   to me. Then that next following winter, I
        common patterns and threads. What my   told them straight out that I want to be in   would return to that spot. Well, I drove into
        teachers had said were my strong suits.   the business of building and growing the   San Diego, and every cell in my body said
        On every report card from kindergarten to   best organizing company on the planet. But   welcome home. I thought, I don’t know a
        grade 12, the first word was organized. So,   what I didn't realize is that when I started   single soul here, but this is where I belong.”
        I wrote that down. And the second most   franchising my business, I was now in the   While in San Diego, she was introduced
        frequent comment made by my teachers   business of selling franchises. That was a   to a gentleman who offered to give her
        was that I talked a lot, and the third thing   critical mistake that I made in choosing the   the grand tour. Before beginning, he asked
        was that I was a good writer.”       wrong growth model.”                 a favor of Krista. He was in the process of

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