Page 54 - Woman 071319_interactive
P. 54
I Need a mental peace. The problem was weren’t getting done while I
that every time I attempted to
was raising my arm s-l-o-w-ly. I
Vacation meditate; I couldn’t turn off the quickly abandoned the pursuit
internal dialogue that played in
of slowness.
Finally, I decided to look at
from my Life my head. The soothing tones of my home life. I read an article
the guide that led us through
our imagery were irritating
on the stress reduction benefits
to me. I could only question of having a pet. Our last be-
Excerpted from internally what the person was loved dog had died a few years
In Pursuit of Clouds really thinking as they spoke in prior, so I talked my husband
into a puppy. The article must
that robotic monotone. Were
they wondering if the trash have meant the stress reduction
STORIES AND LESSONS LEARNED had been taken out? Were they that comes after the challenges
FROM A LIFE ON THE GROUND planning the dinner menu? of puppyhood because I did
My instructor recommended not find too much relaxation
by Deanna Bates a meditative tape of beach involved in cleaning up after a
sounds to lull me into tranquil- puppy and rising in the middle
ity. I settled into my meditative of the night to tend to a whim-
posture and immersed myself pering bundle of fur. So, I made
into the gentle waves of water a decision. I would give up my
lapping on the shore…and I attempts at stress reduction.
wondered when I could afford What would be, would be. I
a beach vacation on my own? would not pursue the art of re-
Then, images of a tsunami laxation. And, you know what?
crowded my head. Gentle I finally felt less stressed!
waves became the heavy surf I am a work in progress.
of terror. You get the idea. I Now, I look for the mini-breaks
abandoned my meditation. that I can give myself during
Next, was yoga. Everybody the day when there is no time
touts the physical and mental for a vacation. My favorite tea
benefits of yoga practice. The and a few minutes of quiet, a
physical aspect of yoga would short walk outside in nature
engage my body so that my without phone distractions,
mind could de-stress. Also, reading a favorite fiction
maybe I would lose a few book before I go to sleep and
stubborn pounds that were scheduling time with friends so
creeping on. I went shopping we can commiserate and laugh
Do you ever feel like you’d door on your responsibilities (since you have to have the about our lives.
like to take a vacation from and escape to the nearest beach right outfit and yoga mat, of Consider what ways would
your everyday life? Not forever, or mountain cabin. So, what course) and tried not to stress help you get a vacation from
just long enough to be able to can we do as women to reduce as charges were added to my your life when you can’t take a
pause and take a deep breath stress and give ourselves a mini credit card. After all, this was a vacation. Or, you’re looking for
without anyone else’s needs break? perfectly justifiable expense. It a short break from life to pause
taking priority? As a competent woman was for yoga. Then, I attended and reflect, consider a women’s
Everyday life is stressful for who is good at problem-solv- my first class. It turns out that retreat or workshop to help you
most women. No matter what ing, I decided I was going to balance, flexibility, and coordi- rest and rejuvenate your spirit.
stage of life we’re in, there are be proactive in my approach to nation - none of which I have Everybody deserves to es-
always people and situations stress relief. With every good in great supply - are needed for cape from their life every once
that need tending. Somehow intention, I developed a plan yoga. I felt clumsy, inadequate, in a while, whether for a few
the tending falls to the daugh- of stress reduction designed and stressed. I crossed yoga off minutes or several days - espe-
ters, the sisters, the wives, and to ease the tension in my body my list. cially, women! Wishing you the
the mothers. That’s usually and quiet my racing mind. Then, I signed up for a vacation you deserve!
along with managing a career My first attempt into the Tai-Chi class. Tai-Chi involves
and a household. It’s enough to world of relaxation was medita- a series of slow (excruciatingly Deanna Bates is a trained retreat
make you want to escape from tion. I attended a class designed slow) mindful movements. My facilitator. More information can
your life and take a break. It’s to impart the secrets of qui- mind was full all right…full be found on her website,
not always possible to close the eting the mind and achieving of things I needed to do that