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        campers. The group is com-  what they are doing definitely  ference for children is made   you can participate in for as
        posed of brothers and sisters   works. They currently have   every day."          little as $25 a month. That
        who aren’t able to live togeth-  175 kids in this program.  Currently close to 5,000   $25 can provide one child the
        er in foster care. So, we bring   Promises2kids is 100%   children in San Diego pass   opportunity to go to camp for
        them together, and they get   philanthropy funded, which   through the foster care   the year. It's a really impactful
        to share the entire experi-  means everything is donat-  system each year. Promis-  program that, pretty much
        ence, bonding, and recon-  ed from the private sector.   es2Kids reaches a significant   anybody can support.  We
        necting with their siblings.  In   "The majority of our giving is   percentage of those children.   love our volunteers as well.
        some cases, they haven't seen  through individuals.  We have   "We have many different   When you consider that by
        each other in years. Once the   special fundraising events.    programs that touch these   giving your time and having
        kids attend the camp, they   We just had our concert,   children, programs such as   a child realize that somebody
        can also participate in their   which was a very special   back to school shopping   cares for them, it can make a
        monthly activities where   event and a huge success.    and special wish granting.   huge impact on a child, and
        every single month we might   The event was sold out, and   Sometimes it is for something   the results are unimaginable.”
        go to the beach or to a mu-  we raised just around 1.3   which may seem small to us,   There were two other
        seum or do another activity   million for our kids.”  but is monumental to a child,   ways that Tonya suggested
        where they can continue that   I was curious how Tonya   such as a prom dress. I would   you could get involved with
        relationship.”             came to Promises2kids, “I   say that we are servicing at   Promises2Kids.  One would
           Their second main pro-  started originally as a so-  least, 2000 children a year,   be for our business women
        gram run by Promises2kids   cial worker in Chicago, in   with a staff of 23 and a fabu-  or business owners out there
        is Guardian Scholars, now in   the inner city. I was given a   lous Board of Directors and an  to be a mentor to a Guardian
        its 18th year. “In high school,   caseload of about 30 kids,   Advisory Committee. My goal   Scholar and allow them to
        we look at trying to get kids   and it made me realize that   for the Promises2Kids is to in-  see what they can achieve.
        thinking about their long-  there was much improvement  crease our capacity to be able   The other suggestion would
        term career, and educational   needed in the system and a   to have every child, as they're   be to volunteer to be on their
        goals. So, we work to make   lot of the kids really didn't   leaving foster care at age   Board of Directors. What may
        sure they graduate High    have a voice.  This was when   18, to be accepted into our   only be a few hours a month
        School by providing tutor-  I decided that what I really   Guardian Scholars program.”  or a few dollars a month can
        ing and other educational   wanted to do was to give a    In order for Tonya and her   provide hope and inspiration
        support.  We offer them tours   voice to foster youth.”  agency to achieve this goal,   to a foster child and can help
        of different businesses, so    Tonya remained in Chi-  they will need an additional 2   them become part of that
        they get a chance to see what   cago for some time and then   million dollars added to their   90% success rate.
        they would really like to do as   went on to work in Arizona's   annual budget. If they can
        a career, which often inspires   public child welfare system.    do so, then San Diego would   Visit
        them to succeed. Once they   She then decided to go back   be the first city in the United   today and help make a differ-
        graduate, they qualify for our   to school for her masters in   States to be able to say that   ence in a child’s life!
        collegiate program, which can  social work administration.   there is a program, for every
        be either vocational training   Tonya then decided to relo-  single youth in foster care as
        or a traditional college expe-  cate to San Diego and went to  they age out, that provides
        rience. We provide them with   work for another agency and   the mentor and the support
        a small scholarship, but the   then heard about Promis-  that they need.
        majority of what we do in this   es2Kids and knew that this   When I asked Tonya how
        program is to meet with them   was where she belonged.    San Diego Woman Magazine
        every month to be sure we      “I first came here as the   readers could help them
        keep them on track, and mo-  fundraiser, as director of   achieve this goal, her re-
        tivated. We send care pack-  development, in 2005, and   sponse was, "We need your
        ages to them and provide a   I stayed for three years and   financial donations as well as
        volunteer mentor.”         then I left to run the Com-  your time as a volunteer.  If
           In essence, they are    mission on Children, Youth,   you have a company that is
        stepping in and taking the   and Families. It was a County   willing to open their doors to
        parent's role since they don't   Commission, which took an   give our kids the opportunity
        have parents to do these   in-depth look at foster care   to shadow their leaders, pro-
        things for them. Last year the   issues. I came back to Prom-  vide tours, and offer intern-
        Guardian Scholars program   ises2Kids as CEO, eight years   ships with them, that would
        had over 90% success rate   ago because it was where my   be great as well. We also have
        compared to a national     heart was. This is the place   a monthly giving program
        average of less than 10%. So   where I can see a true dif-  called Promise Makers, that

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