Page 15 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 15

KC Cunningham

        I asked KC what it was she liked about her job and without   on the circuit for the past two years.” KC’s mom couldn’t be
        missing a beat she admitted, “I love the freedom and flexibil-  happier and when we caught up with KC during her competi-
        ity of working for myself.  I enjoy entitlement processing a lot.   tion at the Del Mar Horse Park, proud mom, Rosemary, was
        Maybe I have a sick sense of humor, but I enjoy the fact that   there to cheer her on.  Being ignorant to “Horse terminology”
        even though the entitlement process is lineal you still have a   I asked KC to explain the Hunter and Jumper competitions.
        ton of different things going on at the same time.  There are   “To sum it up, in Hunter competition you are called upon to
        so many different critical paths, that you have many balls in   demonstrate that which would be encountered in the field
        the air at the same time.  There will be days when you work   on a hunt, while exhibiting style and technique.  The Jumper
        15 hours straight and other days when there is nothing to do   competitions consist of an obstacle track of sorts, where you
        because you are waiting for everyone else to do their job.    encounter brightly colored fences and the object is to jump
        Often it is boredom interspersed with chaos.”           these fences in the fastest possible time while leaving the
        The fact that                                                                                       fences
        there is often                                                                                       standing.”
        down time, gives                                                                                     This is a
        KC the opportu-                                                                                      somewhat
        nity to pursue her                                                                                   danger-
        love of horses.                                                                                      ous sport,
        Although KC                                                                                          but luckily
        started her riding                                                                                   KC has
        career early, she                                                                                    managed
        didn’t compete                                                                                       to escape
        much as a junior.                                                                                    any major
        She rode every                                                                                       injury
        day and did a                                                                                        other than
        lot of schooling                                                                                     having a   San Diego
        of horses for                                                                                        horse fall   Woman
        different trainers.                                                                                  and land
        When she went                                                                                        on her
        away to college                                                                                      leg once,  15
        she quit riding                                                                                      putting her
        for a few years.                                                                                     in a cast
        This was partially                                                                                   for awhile.
        an experiment to                                                                                     Aside
        see if she could                                                                                     from a
        live without her                                                                                     myriad of
        horses.  During                                                                                      jammed
        all of high school,                                                                                 fingers,
        KC would spend every available minute of her time riding,   sore body parts, and a spine that looks like she has been in
        often late into the night.  In college, she took a break from   a car crash she has escaped the broken bones that are often
        the sport that she loves, due primarily to the fact that she   tell tale for athletes in this arena.
        was extremely busy.  She was living with her best friend, car-  For KC, getting out on course with her horses is her way to
        rying a course load of 21 credits, part of a business frater-  relax and put the pressures of her job on hold for a short
        nity and an avid USC football fan.  After graduating college,   time.  KC is in a business that is not an easy one.  As she
        moving back to San Diego, and working with her father, KC   shared with me, “I only know about a week in advance what
        felt as if there was still a giant hole in her life.  “There was   my schedule will be like and you can never tell when a crisis
        no longer the college lifestyle.  There were no longer the big   is going to occur.  The only consistent thing is that I am
        USC parties, football games, or classes to keep me busy,   consistently running behind schedule!” she says jokingly.  As
        and I didn’t entirely know what to do with my life anymore.    many in the industry know, development projects rarely if
        My mom essentially strong armed me into getting back into   ever run on schedule.  Unforeseen curveballs are thrown at
        the sport because she didn’t see me happy then.” KC took   the development team on a daily basis.  Mitigating the delays
        Mom’s advice and went back to her beloved horses.  “About   associated with these curveballs is one of a Project Man-
        2 years ago I started working with Carleton Brooks, a promi-  ager’s most challenging tasks.
        nent hunter jumper trainer based in Southern California.  He
        kicked my butt into gear and I have been actively competing
                                                        March/April 2010
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