Page 10 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 10
Woman of Distinction
Walking With Sunshine
My daughter, Mimi, and I first met Pat “Sunshine” De Bar at she did not forget the generosity of the other donors either.
the base of the Torrey Pines State Reserve. It was Day One Throughout the walk she would grab handfuls of candy and
of the 2008 Komen Three-Day Walk for Breast Cancer in snacks that were passed out for the walkers. She would say
San Diego and our feet were already aching. We passed a that she was taking these back for her friends at the coffee
small, unassuming lady wearing a walker’s t-shirt and carry- shop. Every day, in addition to fundraising for her walk and
ing a woven purse. training six miles, she also helps others less fortunate than
When we asked how she was doing, her face lit she. “I make a dozen lunches every day for little homeless
children and
take them
to a local
school too,”
she says.
This way
the children
have at least
one nutri-
tious meal
each day.
“This year
10 ing went
up for the
three day
walk and
had to raise
$2400,” Sun-
shine said.
Although the
higher entry
fee seemed
daunting at
first, Ms. De
Bar decided
to do it while
she is able.
Her cheerful
attitude is
up and her enthusiasm tumbled out. “I’m doing great! My so motivating to others faced with her similar circumstances.
name is Sunshine, I’m seventy-four years old and this is my This was evident by other walkers as they passed her en
fourth time doing the Three-Day Walk”. Pat was so proud to route to the closing ceremonies. Calls of “great job, Sun-
make it from the Del Mar Fairgrounds to Torrey Pines without shine” and “I saw you walking around Oceanside” cheered
getting picked up by one of the vans that “sweep” straggling her along. And in the privacy of the holding area on the last
walkers and take them to the next pit stop. She continued day of the Walk, waiting for the final participant to join us,
excitedly, punctuating all her sentences with Oh My! “Last everyone stood and applauded as her name was called,
year a van picked me up right here because they said I was “Sunshine, Pat De Bar!”
too slow, but this year there was no one to stop me”. This year, Sunshine can be found walking all over Oceans-
Sunshine raised more than the $2300 required to ide where she lives with her son. As Sunshine always says,
participate in the Three-Day Walk by appealing to the regular “May your days be filled with Blue Skies and Green Lights!”
patrons at her local Starbucks. “One man even gave me $50
just to buy a new pair of sneakers,” Sunshine recalls. And
March/April 2010