Page 7 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 7


                                                Jack Doxey            Esther Alameddin
                                                Jack Doxey formed Doxey   Esther moved to San    Lisa K Miller
                                                & Associates Inc in 1991.                        Photography by Lisa K
                           Jennifer Johnson     It is a San Diego based   Diego 18 years ago with   OGRAPHER  Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
       Robert Tussey        Jennifer has close to a   management and consul-  her husband, two teen-  phy by Lisa K, a custom portrait
                                                                     age daughters and her
                            decade of law enforce-  tant company dedicated to   mother.  She is actively   studio located in Rancho
        Robert has been a   ment experience, having   helping companies grow   involved in several dif-  Penasquitos, specializing in
        published writer for over   served as a police officer in   and change.   ferent women's groups   the highest quality portraiture.
        thirty years and has been   Sacramento and Carlsbad,   In February of 2004, Jack   as a volunteer, and is   As the mother of twins, Lisa
        providing editing services   California.  Jennifer is a cer-  formed The Doxey &   currently writing her first   shines at capturing moments in
        for the past twenty-five.  As   tified self defense instructor   Jensen Group. Prior to own-  book, the memoirs of her   pregnancy and early life. She
        a musician he has written   and owns a self defense   ing his own company, Jack   mother's life.  T  shares her talents with many
        scores of songs.  His life   company for women called   was the Training Manager          local charities by volunteering
        has revolved around his   HEAT (Health, Empower-  in the Quality Assurance                her  photographic services.
        music and writing, often   ment, Awareness, and   department of the Hewlett             HO
        melding the two into articles   Tactical Defense).  She   Packard Company.
        and interviews.     also works in non lethal
                            weapons manufacturing                                               P
                            for consumers and law en-
                            forcement.  Jennifer is very
                            active in her community and
                            was recently appointed as
                            a Commissioner on the San
                            Diego Commission on the
                            Status of Women.

                                                Jaime V. Habert                                                        San Diego  Woman
                                                Jaime is a music enthusiast
                                                whose favorite genres
       Rob Weinberg                             include jazz vocals, and
                                                classical crossover.  She
       Rob is president of The                  has plans to pursue a
       MarketBuilding Team, has                 degree in journalism and
       written two books on mar-  Robin Dohrn-Simpson   media.  She is a freelance
       keting, and authors a free               writer, who takes every
       marketing advice column   Robin is a freelance writer   opportunity to write about
       called Ask Mr. Marketing.   living in San Diego. She   the subject she loves.
       You can subscribe to his   has had her travel articles   Jaime resides with her
       free marketing newsletter at   published online in e-  family in Rancho Bernardo,  zines. When not sitting at   California.
                           her desk she can usually                                         Now find us on:
                           be found exploring the
                           corners of San Diego. Her
                           passions include writing,
                           going on adventures and


       Laurie Johnson
       Laurie is an avocado sales
       director for McDaniel Fruit
       Company, and a pianist who
       enjoys writing in her spare
       time. She is the mother of   Maria Connor
       two wonderful people, and   Maria is a freelance writer
       also a grandmother....and   specializing in community news,           
       interestingly enough, prob-  as well as family, parenting,
       ably have had enough ‘bad   relationship and women's
       dates’ that have kept her a   issues. Her work has been
       single person with a wealth   featured in daily and weekly
       of great stories and thank-  newspapers, print magazines,                 
       fully, great relationships with   trade publications, professional
       many people.         newsletters and on the Internet                      
                                                       March/April 2010
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