Page 12 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 12
Tapping into Your Success Mechanism
"Right Thinking Produces the Right Results"
By Jack Doxey
I was recently going through my bookshelf to find a good mentally and physically. I might add that your friends and
book to read. I spotted one of my all time favorites entitled family will sense this healthy, positive thinking on your part
Psycho Cybernetics. The word Psycho means ‘of the mind’ and will respond in kind.
and Cybernetics deals with the study of automatic control
systems. It was published over 40 years ago so you might It has been said that every human being has six basic needs:
not find it at Barnes and Noble, but the information and con- 1. A need for Love
cepts contained in the book are still very relevant. 2. A need for Security
3. A need for Creative Expression
The author, Dr Maxwell Maltz, found that our minds work 4. A need for Recognition
very much 5. A need for New
like a Experiences
machine. 6. A need for Self
Every Esteem
person is a I would add
goal seek- another one; the
ing creature need for healthy
and we positive thinking
go about and an eager de-
reaching sire to look to the
our goals future with positive
much like expectations. The
a machine. past year 2009
12 Now I am has not been kind
not trying
to the country and
to say that many of it citizens
we are have hit some
machines. very tough times.
However, Under these
we do have circumstances it
a built becomes easy to
in servo slide into negative
mechanism attitudes.
that once
you set We can not afford
your mind to do this. Now,
on certain more than ever,
goals and we have to remain
truly believe diligent about
in them, our thoughts and
the mind when we see
will work them straying
relentlessly into a negative
on making direction make a
your goals concerted effort to
a reality. For example, if you ardently choose to be healthy, swing back to the positive things in your life.
your inner servo mechanism will go about making you
healthy. Now it goes without saying that you have to aid all of May I suggest that you sit down and write about all the
this thinking by eating correctly and exercising on a regular positive things in your life including the support you receive
basis. from family and fiends? You will discover that you are truly
blessed. The experience will keep you calibrated in the direc-
Dr Maltz, in essence, was saying that” what we think in our tion of success.
mind, we will produce in kind.” If you think healthy thoughts
about yourself, your friends, family and co workers you will in
all probability find yourself in the “pink of good health.”, both
March/April 2010