Page 22 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 22

Living Her dream, One Block at a Time.

                                                                                              By Judith A. Habert
                                                                             Photos Courtesy of Mariann Asanuma

     As far back as elementary school there were those who   LEGOLAND allowed her to personally work on the models
     doubted what Mariann Asanuma knew in her heart.  At the   she had gazed at in the pages of these books.
     age of ten she had decided that her life would take a some-  LEGOS have been around in their current state since 1958.
     what unconventional path.  With all the excitement of a child,   Their origin is based in Denmark, and the concept appears
     she confessed her dreams to her elementary school teacher   to have gone back to as early as 1934 when the name
     that she would one day be a LEGO Master Builder, the    “LEGO” was coined.  Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter from
     teacher took her hand and gently patted it informing her that   Billund, Denmark took up toy making when his furniture busi-
     although                                                                                      ness was wither-
     that was                                                                                      ing.  The word
     a fun                                                                                         “LEGO” is an ab-
     thought,                                                                                      breviation for two
     she would                                                                                     Danish words,
     one day                                                                                       leg and godt,
     have to get                                                                                   meaning “play
     a “real” job.                                                                                 well.” It was later
     Even her                                                                                      found out that
     own Dad                                                                                       this expression
     questioned                                                                                    could be loosely
     her oc-                                                                                       translated as “I
     cupational                                                                                    put together” or
     path asking                                                                                   “I assemble,” in
     “Why do                                                                                       Latin.
     you keep                                                                                      Most of us think
     playing with                                                                                  of LEGO as a
 22 children’s                                                                                     toy that is played
     toys…                                                                                         with primarily by
     You’ve                                                                                        boys at a young
     gotta grow                                                                                    age.  What most
     up”  Mari-                                                                                    people don’t real-
     ann knew                                                                                      ize is how many
     better, and                                                                                   things you can
     has proven                                                                                    do with LEGO.  It
     them all wrong. Today she is one of only 50 or so LEGO   has taken Master Builders like Mariann to bring LEGOS to
     Master Builders in the world, and one of only a handful of   life.
     women who can claim this title.                         As a Master Builder at LEGOLAND Mariann was respon-
     Her love of LEGOS started when she was 6 and her family   sible for a good portion of the structures found in Mini land.
     brought her home a bag of LEGOS from a local thrift store.    Her attention to detail was appreciated and she soon found
     She was engrossed in what she could create and quickly   herself promoted to Master Designer, a designation for those
     found herself figuring out ways to take her hobby to the next   who conceive of the projects and create the blueprint for the
     level.                                                  project’s completion.
     As a small child Mariann always liked miniatures, but they   LEGO building has become a huge hobby with people from
     could not be played with, as they were too delicate to survive   all over the world involved in fan clubs and attending yearly
     the hands of a child.  As Mariann explains,  “LEGOS were   conventions such as BrickCon in Seattle or Brickworld in
     not only fun to build, but could be played with for hours with-  Chicago.  These conventions, generally run for  4-days, and
     out being destroyed, and when you became bored you could   they allow Adult Fans of LEGO (AFoLs) OR Adult LEGO
     tear them apart and build something brand new. “Mariann   Hobbyists (ALH) to congregate and display their creations.
     continued on her quest to become the best, landing a job as   Mariann has attended several of these conventions and has
     a LEGO master builder at LEGOLAND in Carlsbad, Califor-  made friends from all over the world who have similar inter-
     nia.  For years Mariann had studied books put out by DK   ests and talents.
     publishing entitled the “Ultimate LEGOS.” Getting this job at
                                                 March/April 2010
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