Page 27 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 27

Bitchin’ & Moaning

                               What Would they Do Without a Remote?
                                                                                             By Judith A. Habert

       There are some days when I get home from my office, when   oven, making it hard for me to conjure up sympathy when
       I must admit I might not be the most pleasant person in the   it now takes under 10 minutes to cook a plate of the same
       world with whom to cohabitate.  These may be days when   food item. But, alas, they don’t know any better, so I try to
       deadlines are looming or advertisers at the last minute   microwave items that can cook with the same speed as my
       decide to pull or change an ad.  For the most part I enter the   daughter’s operation of the remote.
       house tired, but ready to take on phase two (or is it 12?) of   There have been times though when I have actually  seen
       my day.  It’s time to make dinner and so my second step after  her sit on the couch watching the same show for 30-45
       changing into my “hanging out” clothes is to try to decide   minutes - amazed that there has been no channel surfing or
       what’s for dinner:  No, I am not organized enough to think   fast forwarding through commercials (how do TV advertis-
       about this task until I walk in the door.  I guess part of me   ers survive now that DVR has made its way into our lives?).
       hopes that one of the kids has decided to surprise mom and   The lack of activity with the remote often makes me ques-
       make dinner.  On occasion this happens, not often, but I still   tion whether all is well,  and then I hear the words, “Mom,
       hold out hope.                                           have you seen the remote, I can’t find it?”  I am not a stupid
       If homework has                                                                           woman, so I would
       been done and they                                                                        never think of saying,
       are not out with their                                                                    “Well, you do know that
       friends, I am sure to                                                                     you can get up and
       find my son online                                                                        change the channel
       and my daughter                                                                           without the remote.”
       either working on the                                                                     For I know well enough
       website for her new                                                                       that the expression fac-
       clothing business, or                                                                     ing me would be one
       perfecting her mas-                                                                       of crazed indignation
       tery of the remote                                                                        at the thought of such
       control.  I can hon-                                                                      a barbaric idea.  Once   San Diego
       estly say that I have                                                                     again I control the urge   Woman
       never seen anyone                                                                         to provide the “In my
       who can work a re-                                                                        day…” speech and
       mote with the speed,                                                                      join in on the search
       agility, and accuracy                                                                     of couch cushions and  27
       that she can.  I refer                                                                    possible hiding spots
       to her as the “DVR                                                                        for the remote within
       Queen” for she has                                                                        the house, as this is
       figured out how to                                                                        a common way for
       successfully program                                                                      younger brother to an-
       the system to record                                                                      noy older sister.  Once
       shows that I didn’t even know I wanted to watch, but lo and   the remote has been located, all is well with the world and I
       behold I do.  The only problem is that there is a need to be   can proceed with the process of making dinner.
       quick on the draw when it comes to letting my feelings known   It was a little over a year ago, before my oldest daughter
       as to whether a show she has recorded is one that I wish   relocated back to New York, that perhaps the funniest remote
       to retain - to watch at a later time or not.  I have a mere 2-3   control event occurred and it still makes me giggle when I re-
       seconds to respond before the delete key has been hit and   member it.  I was in the process of preparing dinner and the
       that show I have been dying to watch is obliterated - never to   “DVR Queen“was sitting on our love seat facing the TV while
       be seen again  (Unless of course it is a cable show repeated   my older daughter was opposite her on the couch, only half
       1,200 times before it disappears from the list and can be    paying attention to what was on TV.  My older daughter made
       DVR’d again at 3:45 in the morning).                     the mistake of assuming that younger daughter was listening
       I know times have changed and things that we now have are   to her when she spewed some words of wisdom.  Younger
       often taken for granted.  I have to keep myself from laughing   daughter, realizing that she was somewhat preoccupied with
       out loud when a complaint comes from one of my kids that a   the TV, proceeded to point the remote at older daughter and
       food item takes forever to cook in the microwave and can’t   hit rewind.  In her remote control haze she figured she could
       I make something quicker.  It is hard to answer this ques-  rewind what older daughter had to say.  When everyone in
       tion without giving them the “In my day…” speech but I try.  I   the room realized what happened we broke out laughing and
       often fall back on the baked potato analogy and how ‘in my   decided that remote control rehab might be in the mix for the
       day’ it took close to an hour to cook one baked potato in the   “DVR Queen.”
                                                      March/April 2010
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