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Anthology is just one of marsha’s passions. There is another and public speaking. “If they’re going to be able to go and
one to which she is equally dedicated. Her true love is for talk to somebody at their school, or business, or church
community service and social action. When her kids were or synagogue, they need to know how to speak in public.”
younger, she helped with social programs at their school She wanted them to learn how to conduct a meeting, run
and felt that kids needed to learn how to give back to their an agenda, motivate people and even how to write grants.
Photos courtesy of Marsha Berkson community. “I wanted to create a program where kids par- The fruits of her year and a half labor now extend to 12 high
ticipated, or ran the charity.” Berkson said. One day she ap- schools in San Diego. “Where other charity’s food pantries
proached the administrators of Jewish Family Service (JFS) have bare, empty shelves around the country right now, our
with her idea to start a food pantry, which was run totally by food pantries are full. Stocked to the brim. And it’s really
the kids. The kids would plan, take in inventory, pack food for wonderful. The kids feel the passion and they understand the
distribution and distribute food; handle the whole process. importance of hunger.” “The ownership that the kids have in
JFS liked the idea and “Hand Up” was born. the program is rewarding.” Marsha said.
Did You Know?
“This charity is not a hand out, it is a hand up.” Marsha All of her efforts paid off when she was presented with a
explains. “There’s a huge difference between the two.” Ev- Mitzvah (meaning a good deed in Hebrew) by Jewish Family
eryone needs help at different times in their lives. Hand Up Service. Last year she was recognized nationally by JFS
Youth Food Pantry is all about providing help for people to with the prestigious Goodman Award, a new program honor.
get back on their feet. Although very thankful for this award, Marsha is more thrilled
“We’re teaching the kids the full cycle; they can see how when kids stop her and thank her for starting Hand Up and
important it is that everything and everyone work together. for letting them be a part of it.
Seeing the food recipients makes a huge difference.” The To donate to Hand Up or to conduct a food drive in your
Hand up grocery store is open one Sunday a month at Camp school, business, group or congregation, call (858) 637-
Pendleton and once a month at Murphy Canyon military 3088. If you would like to volunteer contact them at hand-
housing. There are various other locations throughout the
county, go to
Marsha also wanted to teach the kids leadership skills
San Diego Woman
March/April 2010