Page 42 - KC Cunningham Issue
P. 42

The Night You Don't Remember

                                                                                          by Jennifer Johnson

      You wake up alone in a dark, cold room.  You are very tired and   Date rape is committed by someone known to the victim and often
      extremely confused as to where you are.  Your vision is blurry and   occurs on a date or during a social event.  Date rape is more com-
      you can’t ignore the pounding headache you have.  You are not   mon on college campuses than “stranger rape”, but can be just as
      sure how you got where you are or who you were with.  You glance   traumatizing and often goes unreported.  Take your time in getting
      down and realize that you have no clothes on from the waist down.    to know someone.  Be upfront with them and make your expecta-
      Questions start to invade your mind.  “Did I have sex last night?   tions clear.  Be confident in what you do and don’t want.  Know that
      With who? Did I agree to it?                                            if a man does not respect you for this, he is not
      Was I raped?” You have no                                               worth a second more of your time.
      immediate answers and no
      memory to draw from.                                                    Mind altering drugs such as Rohypnol and GHB
      This sounds like a nightmare,                                           play a huge role in sexual assaults and are
      but for many women, it is a                                             often introduced at clubs, parties, and on dates.
      reality.                                                                They are odorless, tasteless, and can be dis-
                                                                              solved into liquids, becoming invisible.  They are
      Each fall, young girls leave the                                        also known as “date rape drugs.”  Both drugs
      comfort and security of their                                           produce effects similar to extreme alcohol intoxi-
      homes and journey to distant                                            cation including nausea, blackouts, confusion,
      cities and states in search of a                                        memory loss, sleepiness, dizziness, and loss of
      brighter future.  They go with                                          muscle control.  If taken in large amounts they
      the excitement of the unknown                                           can cause comas and death.  Sexual predators
      and the dream of a higher edu-                                          will use these drugs to get their victims into a
      cation, new friendships and                                             vulnerable and defenseless state.
      the possibility of finding love
      that could last a lifetime.  It is                                      Always watch your drinks being made or get
      a time for new found indepen-                                           your own drinks when you are at a party or
      dence and responsibility.                                               social gathering.  If you start to feel sick or
 42                                                                           more intoxicated than you should be, given the
      While the college experience                                            amount you have consumed, tell a friend im-
      offers many rewards to a                                                mediately.  Seek medical attention right away.  It
      young woman, there are also                                             is always better to be safe than sorry.
      significant dangers that one
      should be aware of.  One of                                             Some women have said that being raped felt
      these dangers is men who are                                            like a part of their soul had died.  They are
      sexual predators.  Surrounded                                           forever changed and sometimes never fully
      by drinking, partying, and a                                            recover from the trauma.  College should be one
      lifestyle that often encourages                                         of the best experiences of a young person’s life.
      risky and out of control behav-                                         Being aware and making responsible choices
      ior, college is an easy place                                           for yourself, you are less likely to become a
      for these sexual predators to                                          victim and will be free to benefit from all of the
      hide.  As important as it is to identify these predators in an effort   rewards that college truly has to offer you.
      reduce sexual assaults, it is equally, if not more important to be well
      educated on the dangers of particular college lifestyles and how to
      keep yourself safe.                           
      In a recent College Alcohol Study conducted by the Harvard School
      of Public Health, a survey of 6,988 women from 119 different
      schools concluded that one in twenty women reported being raped,
      and of those women, 72% of them stated they were intoxicated at                              You gain strength,
      the time of the assault.  A person is unable to make rational, intelli-                         courage
      gent decisions when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  When
      intoxicated, one can easily place themselves in compromising and                              and con dence
      dangerous situations.                                                                        by every experience
                                                                             Jennifer Johnson      in which you really
                                                                               O W N E R
      It is imperative to know your limitations with alcohol.  Alcohol affects                         STOP
      everyone differently and at different rates.  Be mindful of how much    858-254-9935        to look fear in the face.
      you consume and be confident enough to say “No” if you are being
      peer pressured to drink or do drugs.  Have a friend who is designat-                 — Eleanor Roosevelt
      ed as the sober person and in charge of your group.  Check in with
      them often.  If you decide to leave the group, always let them know
      you are going and with whom.

                                                     March/April 2010
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