Page 10 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
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Another appealing aspect of this organization is that for women In Linda Katz (a founding president) own word’s “This high-touch,
who want to get involved, so many opportunities exist for personal very engaged form of giving may well be a model of philanthropy of
as well as professional growth. Working with other like-minded the future. It seems to match the charitable inclination of a growing
women, members of SDWF improve their leadership, teamwork, number of San Diegans." As I sat across the table of such a San
and organizational skills. For others whose involvement is more Diegan, Eileen Haag, I thought about Peru and how willing I was to
fluid, the tax-deductible donation and their vote also serve as get on that bus and help out, but here—with all our daily stresses—
important roles to keep SDWF thriving. One of the things Eileen we oftentimes put off community service because most women are
mentioned is that SDWF would like to increase to 300 members, trying to fit 48 hours of work in a 24 hour day. But there is good
but not become so big that the feeling of intimacy is lost. This is an news, if you do want to get involved in your community and be ap-
organization where each individual woman still feels like she is part preciated for what you can do, The San Diego Women’s Founda-
of something special. tion may be the organization for you. You can make a difference—
here and now.
The San Diego Women’s Foundation members also enjoy “mixers” (For further information please visit
once a month; two social events, an annual Holiday Party (where
a community service element is included), and the exciting gifting
ceremony, which took place this year on June 7th at the Joan Croc
Center at UCSD. Apart from the excitement of the grant announce-
ment, a “flash mob” dance was organized that left everyone in high
spirits. There are several other formal events, such as the one that
took place on September 21st, which introduced the Kick-Off for the
new focus area of 2012: Education. And we all know how education
needs a helping hand!
What is that Funny Symbol?
San Diego Woman is keeping up with the latest technology. We now
have our very own Quick Response, or QR code. This matrix barcode,
first designed by the automotive industry, has now become the latest
greatest way to allow readers to quickly gain information about our
publication, by sending them directly to our website.
The QR code was created in 1994 by Denso, a subsidiary of Toyota, in
order to keep track of vehicles during the manufacturing process. To
use a QR code you must first download a QR scanning application for
your smartphone. Open the scanning app and use your phone’s cam-
era to focus the code on your screen. The application will recognize the
code and automatically open up the link, video or image in your phone's
browser. You just need an Internet connection to access the content.
So take a minute and focus on our QR code above and you will find
yourself visiting our popular website