Page 8 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
P. 8

Letters to theEditor

     I loved seeing my favorite Weather Lady on the cover of your publica-
     tion. She always makes me smile.
     Jean from Poway
     Your feature on “How to Choose a Financial Planner,” was very infor- There is Nothing Like Being a San Diego Woman!
     mative.  I have to admit, the thought of hiring a financial planner has
     always frightened me a little. Thanks for always providing informative
     articles for your readers.
     Lily from Mira Mesa                                      Now you can let the world know! San Diego
                                                              Woman Magazine announces our limited edition
     PACE is a great program and I am thrilled to see it written about in   "I am a San Diego Woman," t-shirt.
     your magazine.  My mom has been using their services, and it has   Visit our Website at
     been a lifesaver for all of us.  The staff is always so nice and she   and order your t-shirt today
     loves them all.
     Barbara from San Diego
     Oh, the ‘Good Old Days’ when people took time to sit down and have
     a hearty breakfast.  Today most people consider breakfast to be a   San Diego
     drive through at Starbucks. Carol is so right when she says it is the   Woman
     most important meal of the day and should not be skipped.  I have
     been preaching this to my children for years and now they are doing
     so with their own kids.  Maybe we need a National Breakfast Day to
     bring awareness to everyone.  Thanks Carol, I love your column.
     Mary from Escondido

     Thank you for your gardening article on Monarchs.  I love garden-
     ing and have been a bit disappointed that there have not been more
     articles on gardening in San Diego Woman.  I hope you will continue
     to cover this subject as San Diegans love to garden, and I am one of
  8 the biggest fanatics in this area.  I am definitely going to heed Dawn’s
     Julie in Rancho Bernardo
     Kathy, your article was so helpful to me.  I am struggling with an out of
     control teenager and have been ready to pull my hair out, not knowing
     what to do or where to turn.  Your article came at a perfect time and I
     feel so much better and less alone.  Thank you for covering such an
     important topic.
     Leila in Del Mar

     I loved Generation Gap and hope you will continue to present more
     articles from the perspective of mothers and daughters.  I shared the
     article with my 17 year old and she laughed.  We have obviously been
     going through similar experiences and it provided a bonding moment
     between us.
     Alex in Poway

     I know many readers may have passed over the Veterans story
     because it might not have directly affected them.  It did however touch
     me.  Our family has been dealing with our ailing dad and who is a Vet-
     eran.  Knowing that LightBridge Hospice provides dignity for Veterans
     in their last days is very comforting.  We will keep them in mind when
     the time is necessary.
     Cami in La Mesa
                                                                             Happy Birthday Shaan!!!
     The article on creating heirlooms was great.  I have a bunch of jewelry    Our Creative Director Sonali’s
     from my grandmother and have been debating what to do with the
     stones.  Now I know where to go to have them reset and create my   precious little Angel celebrated his
     own treasures to pass on to my children.                          second birthday on October 15th.
     Molly in San Diego
                                                                         Thanks to our cutest little staff
                                                                      member for sharing his Mommy with
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